Category Archives: Primary 2

P2 & P7 Reading Picnic

On Friday Primary 7 visited Primary 2 for their last paired reading session of the year.  As it was health week P2 brought some healthy snacks and had a little picnic outside whilst enjoying reading their books with their buddy.

It was a nice afternoon and a great way to end

our working together.  We hope there won’t be too many tears when P7 say their goodbyes next week.


Primary 1 and 2 Assembly

Well done to they boys and girls for their excellent contribution to the assembly today. Room 4 were the best class and Room 2 and Room 4 shared the honour of being the best line this week.  A big cheer for the children who were singled out for praise for their teachers this week too. Some pupils received Mrs Elliott Cards and some others were awarded May is the Month of Mary bookmarks. The pupils learned about the Rosary. Mrs Elliott asked if anyone who has a Rosary could bring it in next week.