Category Archives: Primary 1

Ministerial Visit

Here are a few pictures of Monday afternoon’s visit by Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP. She visited the wonderful children of Pr.1, Room 2, and their teacher Miss Ross who was delighted to welcome a large group of visitors to her classroom. The children were wonderful hosts and were keen to share their learning with everyone. Well done to the boys and girls of Room 2, you did St.Augustine’s proud!!

Pr.1 Gymnastic Performance

Our Pr.1 pupils entertained each other by presenting a gymnastic performance this week. The children had been working on
Jumping – Star jump, tuck jump, pencil jump

Balancing – wide shap, curled shape, twisted shape,

Travelling – hopping, running, leaping, skipping, jumping, tip-toeing

Rolling – pencil roll, forward roll, curled role, backwards roll, roly poly

They made a sequence of movements, which included jumps, balances, rolls and turns and performed our sequence to an audience!

Room 1 performed to room 2 and room 2 performed to room 1.

They reported that they enjoyed the experience greatly and are now preparing themselves for the Olympics in a few years time!

Sunflower Tea

Our first Sunflower Tea was a great success with a fabulous turnout from parents. Today we raised the fantastic sum of over £320. This was a wonderful sum of money and we warmly thank the generosity of our parents and grandparents who joined us this morning. Our guests were entertained with a medley of music from our talented young musicians while they had their tea. We are delighted that we have so many pianists and violinists. It was also wonderful to be joined by some of our children who attend the Saturday Traditional Music Group who entertained by playing the penny whistle and the banjo!! Later on in the morning our lovely and enthusiastic Pr.1 – 3 pupils joined us to sing songs and recite some poetry. As a school we had raised money from our Daffodil Tea and Easter Bonnet Parade and this money joined the sum raised today. We were able to give Andy Flynn from St.Andrew’s Hospice a cheque that came to the grand total of £1,000. Andy informed us that the school has raised the staggering sum of over £15,000 for St.Andrew’s Hospice. Quite an achievement. Let’s hope we can continue the great tradition of supporting the Hospice.

Sports Day

Our sports day was a resounding success with everyone in the school taking part and joining in the spirit of the event. The weather was extremely kind to us all day as we basked in the sunshine between races. Many thanks to the army of mums and helpers who came along to help out on the day to make sure everything ran so smoothly. Many thanks also to our Sports Leaders from St.Ambrose who did a marvellous job stewarding the event. We were delighted that so many of our mums and dads took part in the final races, you really showed the wonderful community we have here at St.Augustine’s? I am quite sure your children were proud of you even if you didn’t win as it is all about the taking part!!

A Visit from Peter of Glasgow Fruit Market

Peter from the Glasgow fruit market came to support our Health Week on Tuesday. He worked with our infant department. He explained the role of a market worker and we were shocked to hear he has been working since 3am and some others start work at 2am in the morning!
He brought along lots of fruit and vegetables from other countries. Everyone did their best to guess where they came from.
Peter brought grapes from Brazil, bananas from South America, Strawberries from Spain, melon from Chilli and lots more interesting fruit and veg like ginger and eggplant.
The children had a quiz with Peter and had to name fruit and vegetables beginning with different sounds! They also had to make a healthy lunchbox.
Peter talked about fruits that grow in warmer countries and stressed the importance of establishing lifelong healthy eating habits.
The children then had the lovely task of tasting the delicious fresh fruit from the market, some children chose to taste fruit that they had never tasted before.
It was a delightful visit enjoyed be all. We would love to welcome Peter back to school and hope he has a long lie soon after all those early mornings!

Health Week

Our Health Week is well underway with all children involved in a full programme of activities and visits. On Monday the school welcomed NLC Nutritionist Michelle McGuiness who did a considerable amount of work with Pr.1 – 5 pupils. Firstly she worked with Pr.4 and Pr.5 to give a 10 mins talk about health eating and healthy food. Children were then encouraged to create their own healthy menu of starter, main meal and dessert which was then collected to assist with a future menu planning meeting. In addition there were food tasters for the children. Our Pr.1 – 3 children were involved in going to a variety of stations around the school hall. As you can see there was plenty to keep everyone involved and hopefully the healthy food and healthy eating message got across to all.

Busy in the garden

Our horticulturists in Room 12 have been busy at work contributing to the great work that is taking place around our school grounds. We now have a fantastic variety of flowers and vegetables growing and a wonderful harvest to look forward to in the autumn. Our picture gallery also includes pictures that Mrs.Chisholm sent along of Pr.1’s involved in their garden harvest in the autumn of last year. We really do have something to look forward to in the autumn.

Prayer service

Many thanks to all parents and grandparents who came along to celebrate with us at the service for Our Lady during the final week of May. Our Pr.1,2 and 3 pupils did a fine job in leading the prayer service and celebrating not only Mary, Mother of God but all mothers and grandmothers. This was the first time parents had been invited to the service and they very kindly thanked staff for the lovely invitation. It was lovely to see so many our our parents taking the time to come along and pray with us as a school community. We aim to continue involving our wider school community in joining us as often as possible as a community of faith and learning.

Induction for New Entrants

The school was delighted to welcome our new entrants over the last two Thursdays – all 59 pupils. Mrs.Chishom and Miss Ross reported that all children were excellent and happily went to class and joined in the variety of activities that had been set up that afternoon. After their induction programme all new entrants reported that they were looking forward to starting school in August. Parents attended their own induction programme to discuss how school and home could work together to ensure a smooth transition. Parents were also treated to first hand reports about the work of a Pr.1 class from of our present Pr.1 pupils who came along to talk about their learning and my goodness could they talk!! They were fine examples of confident individuals.