All posts by Mrs Docherty

12 Days of Giving

A huge thank you to everyone for the outstanding response to our 12 Days of Giving Appeal.  It really could not be a success without your amazing support.   We have been operating a bagging system over the last few days so that everything is ready for drop off day next week. We are sure Stay Connected and the The Food Pantry alongside Coatbridge Foodbank will be delighted with the deliveries heading their way.  It will be wonderful to think our contributions helped so many families in our own community.

Pr. 1 Registration

The registration process for starting P1 in August 2022 is now open. Registration should be done through the online form below.

For children living in the St.Augustine’s Primary School catchment area, completed enrolment forms should be sent directly to our enquiries email address with a copy of your child’s birth certificate, Baptismal certificate and a council tax bill.

If you would like to put a placing request in for St. Augustine’s Primary or any other primary school, placing Request   forms are available on-line and can be emailed to

The enrolment form should still be completed even if you are planning on submitting a placing request. There is a section to tick for a placing request and name the school. We would appreciate any parents submitting a placing request to also email our enquiries email address and let us know. We don’t receive placing request information from NLC until much later in the year. An enquiries email list is also attached for anyone wishing to contact another NLC school.

If your child is entitled to transport to school, transport forms are also available online and paper copies can be requested from

Parents/carers who wish to make an early entry request should contact our school office, download an Early Entry request form and send to

Children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023 should register for starting Primary 1 in August 2022.

If your child was born between 1 January 2018 and 28 February 2018 and you are interested in deferring their entry to school, you should still complete the enrolment form and tick the box for ‘defer entry’ at the end.

Application form and enquiries email list are attached

Enquiries Email List 2022

Education Primary 1 Pupil Enrolment Form

The closing date for enrolment is Monday, 24 January 2022.




What’s on this week?

Mon.13th Assembly – Pr. 6 and 7  pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall

Lindsay Shaw – Childsmile to visit nursery and Pr. 1 and 2 – refresh training on toothbrushing. This will commence in Jan.

Tues. 14th Assembly – Pr. 2 and 3pupils – 9.00 – 9.40 –MMElliott – hall

Sarah Mackie – Speech and Language Therapist – school visit

Kyle Blears -Teentalk Counsellor

Mrs Docherty to attend training session -GIRFEC Pathway Update – 1.30 – 3.00pm

Wed. 15th Assembly – Pr. 4 and 5 pupils 9.00 – 9.40 – Mrs Docherty

Mrs Docherty to attend HWB Cluster meeting 1.00 – 2.00pm


Thurs. 16th Assembly – Pr. 1 and Pr. 1/2 pupils – 9.15 – 9.55 – Mrs. Elliott

Pr. 2 and 3 to visit local care home –am visit

Rugby Coaching to Pr.5/Rm 16 pupils. Sessions to take place outdoors – lead by David McCrae.

PANTO DAY – Pr. 6 and 7 – pm . Sweet treats provided by PTA

Frid. 17th COMMITTEE MEETINGS – am or pm

FESTIVE FRIDAY  – Santa Dash as part of NL Challenge


PANTO DAY –  pm. PTA to provide sweet treats

12 Days of Giving

A huge congratulations to everyone for your amazing support of the 12 Days of Giving.  We are overwhelmed with the response so far.  Please see the guide below for this week.

Day No. Date Giving
1 Wed. 1st Dec Dried pasta
2 Thurs 2nd Dec Beans
3 Frid 3rd  Dec Custard and rice pudding
4 Mon. 6th  Dec Noodles
5 Tues. 7th Dec Sweet treats
6 Wed. 8th Dec Soup
7 Thurs. 9th  Dec Biscuits
8 Frid. 10th  Dec Tinned veg
9 Mon. 13th  Dec Dried Rice
10 Tues. 14th  Dec Tinned meat/fish
11 Wed. 15th Dec Sauces – packets and jars
12 Thurs. 16th  Dec Tinned fruit

PTA Christmas Stall

A huge thank you to the ladies and gentleman of the PTA for their time and great effort last Thursday for the annual Children’s Christmas stall.  It was a huge success and raised a staggering  £1014.08.  Thank you to everyone for your support.

The PTA have been busy already and have purchased all the treats for class parties and panto afternoon. Thank you PTA!! We totally  appreciate all you do for the school.

Week Ahead

Mon.6th Assembly – Pr. 6 and 7  pupils – 9.10 – 9.50am  Mrs. Docherty- hall

Student Placement – BA Hons Year 3 – Frederica Scordi – Rm 10 Pr. 7 – 1 week

Tues. 7th Assembly – Pr. 6 and 7pupils – 9.10 – 9.40 –MMElliott – hall

Kyle Blears -Teentalk Counsellor – to use Room 4

St.Ambrose Commemorative Mass – 60th Anniversary – 7.00pm. Hall afterwards – Mrs Docherty, Mrs Elliott

Wed. 8th Assembly – Pr. 4 and- 5 pupils 9.10 – 9.50 – CDocherty

Mrs Elliott to observe Rm 12 – am

PTA to access cupboard in staffroom – pm


Thurs. 9th Assembly – Pr. 1 and Pr. 1/2 pupils – 9.15 – 9.55 – Mrs Elliott

Rugby Coaching to Pr.5/Rm 16 pupils. Sessions to take place outdoors – lead by David McCrae.

CHILDREN’S  CHRISTMAS STALL – please consider providing some pocket money so that your child can make a purchase at the stall.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH –Lunch time is the usual time. Children can wear their Christmas attire – jumpers. t-shirts, antlers, santa hats

Frid. 10th Mass –Rm 8 and 13 to attend – 10am

Childsmile catch up

PTA to clear up Children’s stall

Festive Friday – Christmas Movie Afternoon