All posts by Mrs Docherty

First Communions

At the weekend we got to join some of our families as their children received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.  There were two services on Saturday and one on Sunday. Whilst these services did not take place with a full congregation and all pupils it was just as  special and beautiful.  Many thanks to Father Kane for making the children feel so special on this wonderful occasion.  Congratulations to our Communicants who were amazing showing great poise, reverence and humility.  They really were a credit to our school and most importantly to their families.  Our next First Communions take place on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November.


What’s on this week?

We hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing long weekend and are ready to return to school and another week of learning. Many thanks to all our parents for their great perseverance in getting to grips with online learning as we endeavour to make sure this platform is used across the school to support homework and home learning this session. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any difficulties with accessing glow or teams.

Mon. 28th HOLIDAY
Tues. 29th Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – am – hall

Mr.  McBrier – Curricular Support Teacher – whole day school visit

Wed. 30th


Mrs. Elliott to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 am

Mrs. Docherty to attend Consultation Meetings with Mrs. Kinniburgh (Educ. Psych)  – 9.00am , 10.00am

Mr. McBrier – CST – Whole day school visit

Mrs. Elliott – delivering LIAM (Low intensity anxiety management) programme – pm

Staff MODERATION and REVIEW MEETING 1 – 3.00 – 4.30pm.

Parent Council Meeting – virtual meeting – 6.00pm

PTA Meeting – virtual meeting 7.15pm

Thurs. 1st Oct Mrs. Elliott – to cover NCCT – Rm 9 and 10 – am

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am

Mrs. Docherty to attend Excellence into Headship online training induction 9.30 – 12.00

Frid. 2nd Whole School Virtual Assembly – 11.30am.

Mrs. Docherty – nursery visit – am   

Digital Learning

North Lanarkshire is committed to providing all children with high quality teaching and learning experiences. During the recovery of COVID-19 there may be occasions when learning has to take place digitally and out-with school. As such North Lanarkshire has launched a new Digital School aimed at providing high quality learning experiences that can be carried out remotely. Please click on the images below to find out more information about this.

Parent Carer-Digital-Learning




Nursery News – 1140 hours

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will be aware from previous communications, North Lanarkshire Council is fully committed to delivering 1140 hours of early learning and childcare to children and families by the end of September 2020.

This is in line with the planned national expansion programme for early learning and childcare, and follows on from our own phasing arrangements, which has substantially switched on the 1140 hours provision throughout the area last year.

As you will be aware, for the foreseeable future, as part of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 recovery route map, the present national, statutory entitlement for children is 600 hours per session. However, North Lanarkshire Council understands how important the expansion of this provision is to our communities and recognises the significant benefits to families receiving these additional hours, as well as to our local economy.

It should also be noted that we are one of only a few large councils across the country to have taken this important step of delivering the 1140 hours of childcare as part of the recovery programme.

In light of this, it is my great pleasure to confirm that St.Augustine’s Nursery Class is delighted to be in a position to offer your nursery child (if you have one) the following place from Thurs. 23rd September of September.

Days Times Weeks
Monday to Friday 8.45am until 2.55pm Term Time.

Letters will be issued this week to confirm start and pick up times.

We are all very aware of the current circumstances and the daily challenges from COVID-19 and we hope you will understand the need to put contingency arrangements in place, should the facility be affected. This may include individuals or groups having to self-isolate for a period or to follow advice from NHS Lanarkshire which delivers the national Test and Protect programme.

The arrangements take into account that we may face challenges should a number of staff require to self-isolate and are therefore not available to work. In the event of this happening, we will ensure that families continue to receive the statutory entitlement of 600hrs, but will endeavour to continue to offer 1140hrs to parents and carers with essential childcare needs until we are in a position to return to normal service delivery of 1140hrs at the earliest point.

It is vitally important we continue to work in close partnership and to provide an approach that best supports the needs of all our children and families. We value your continuous support.

Kind Regards


Mobile Phones

The school is growing increasingly concerned about the amount of mobile phones that are in the school and the degree to which children feel they can be used.  Please be aware that mobile phones are not allowed in school nor can they be used by pupils whilst they are in school.  This is strictly forbidden.  If your child has a phone then they are required to hand this into the office and it can be uplifted prior to them leaving school each day.  Pupils are free to use their phone once they have left school grounds.   The school greatly appreciates the support of all parents in this regard.  Please contact the school if you have a query in relation to this matter.