All posts by Mrs Docherty

Enrolment for Primary 1 – August 2021

For children attaining age 5 between 1st March 2021 and 28th February 2022

There is a new system for Registration of Infant Beginners.  Guidance can be found here.
Registration Infant Beginners

All applications should be sent to the enquiries email of the receiving school.  Our email address is

Primary 1 – Enrolment Form

Placing request forms can be emailed to

Transport forms can be requested from

Your child’s birth certificate must be provided, along with a current council tax bill.  A scan or screenshot will be accepted and should be attached to the email.

The deadline for applications is 22nd January 2021. 

Nursery Applications

Please click on link below to see poster detailing information about enrolling for nursery next session 2021 – 2222. Apply now if you have a 3 – 5 year old.  Deadline for applications is 12th Feb. 2021.

ELC Posters NEW 1

1,140 hours are available to all children aged three to five years old, as well as some two-year-olds. The focus is on flexibility for families, as well as an emphasis on quality and a strong connection with outdoor learning and learning through play.

Eligibility for entitlement

It can get a bit confusing working out when your child’s free entitlement can start depending on when their birthday is. The funding dates for 2021/2022 are as follows:

  • Children who reach 3 years of age between 1 March 2021 and 12 August 2021 can take up their ELC placement from August 2021.
  • Children reaching 3 years of age between 13 August 2021 and 28 February 2022 can take up their ELC placement the day after the child’s 3rd birthday.
  • Parents/carers of children applying to North Lanarkshire Council from another local authority should be guided by the Cross Boundary Protocol.

Applying for an early learning and childcare placement

Children will normally attend an ELC establishment closest to their home but you can apply to any establishment, in accordance with the admissions policy, should you wish to do so.

Applications should be returned to your first choice of ELC provider by Friday, 12 February 2021.

Applications can be viewed or downloaded here.

ELC Application Form accessible


Nursery Lunch Menu

Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Hot Option Pizza and tomato pasta (v) Pork sausage  with seasoned diced potatoes Fish fingers*  baby boiled  potatoes Mince and mashed  potatoes Lentil soup  and sandwich triangles (v)
Vegetarian Alternative Not required Quorn sausage with seasoned diced potatoes (v) Baked potato with beans and a side  salad (v) Cheese and onion pastie,  with mashed  potatoes,  (v) Not required
Sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Fruit or yoghurt Homebaking  or Fruit Fruit or yoghurt Homebaking  or Fruit Fruit or yoghurt

Lunch Menu

Today’s hot option RED BAND Pizza and tomato pasta with salad and vegetable  sticks (v) Pork hot dog with seasoned  diced potatoes and a choice of vegetables or salad Fish Fingers baby boiled  potatoes and a  choice of  sweetcorn, peas or baked beans (mayo dip) Mince pie and mashed potatoes with  carrots and peas Fish and chips with a choice of peas or salad
Vegetarian alternative GREEN BAND Not required Quorn hot dog with seasoned  diced potatoes and choice of vegetables or salad (v) Baked potato and baked beans with a choice of  vegetables or salad (v) Cheese and onion pastie and mashed  potatoes, carrots and peas (v) Quorn nuggets and chips with a choice of salad or peas (v)
Baked potato with  filling YELLOW BAND Cheese (v) or tuna Baked bean  or cheese (v) Tuna or cheese( v) Baked beans or tuna Cheese (v) or tuna
Snack 2 go BLUE BAND Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v) Choice of chicken, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of ham, tuna or cheese (v) Choice of ham, cheese (v) or tuna Choice of chicken, tuna or cheese (v)
Soup, sweet treat, fruit or yoghurt Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly Vegetable soup (v) homebaking or fruit Chicken and rice soup, fruit or yoghurt or homebaking Vegetable soup(v) homebaking or fruit Lentil soup,(v) fruit,yoghurt or jelly

All choices come with the choice of water or milk included in the price.  There should be a minimum of two options of vegetables on offer, with two portions served with each meal. Week starting: 2 November, 23 November, 14 December, 18 January, 8 February, 1 March, 22 March. Free bread provided daily. All items on the menu are subject to availability. Changes to the menu may occur throughout the year, for example, during theme days and for unavoidable problems with deliveries.

What’s on this Week?

We are truly overwhelmed as a school community with your response to our 12 Days of Giving Christmas Appeal. It has left us both speechless and humbled that there is such kindness and generosity among us.  Faith in action across our community for those who need it the most.  We thank you.  There are only two Giving days left – Mon is ready meals but this really could be anything from a packet of pasta to tinned meat.  Tuesday is tinned fruit.  We are sure both Father Kane and  all involved with Stay Connected and Coatbridge Foodbank will be amazed with your generosity.

Mon. 14th


Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 7 and 8 – 9.00 – 9.40

Exchange Counsellor to meet pupils

Jan –Youth leader with the parish to deliver Advent Retreats – Rm 8 10 – 12.15, Rm 7 1.30 – 3.00pm

Tues. 15th


Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 12 and Rm14 – 9.00 – 9.40am – hall

Exchange Counsellor to meet pupils

Mr. McBrier –curricular support teacher

Wed. 16th





Mrs. Docherty to cover NCCT Rm 16, Rm 13 – 9.00 – 9.40am

MMElliott – delivering LIAM programme – time to be confirmed

Jan –Youth leader with the parish to deliver Advent – Rm 1 – 9.00 – 10.30, Rm 2 10.45 – 12.00, Rm 3 12.45 – 1.45, Rm 4 1.45 – 2.45

Sumdog Training session- Home Learning and Homework – LDrummond, EO’Donohue – 3.15 – 4.45pm


Thurs. 17th



Mrs. Elliott – to cover NCCT 9 and 10 – 9.00 – 9.40am

Mrs. Elliott – to meet Mrs. S. Docherty – mentor/prob.meeting – 11.15am-

Frid. 18th FESTIVE FRIDAY –PANTO DAY– PTA to provide party food. Christmas Jumper day!

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 2 – am

Miss Livingston to cover Rm 8 – from 1.30- 3.00.

Virtual Assembly – 11.20


Financial Support

Please contact the e-mail address below if you require financial assistance.  The Financial Inclusion Team is a North Lanarkshire department that supports families to identify if they are eligible for benefits/ financial supports.

Please also contact the school if you would like the school to make a referral on your behalf.

School update

Please make sure your child wears a cardigan or jumper to school each day.  Although the classrooms are warm they have to remain well ventilated therefore an extra layer of clothing is very beneficial.  If children are warm they can easily remove a layer of clothing. We don’t want children to feel cold in class.

Please arrange to make online payments for your child if they either visit the tuck shop or have a school lunch.  This pertains to pupils from Pr. 4 – 7.  The canteen does not accept cash as all payments have to be made online.  Many thanks for your co-operation in this regard

Lost in Pantoland

Despite not being able to go to Motherwell Theatre this year for our annual outing to the Pantomime, Motherwell Theatre are going to come to us.  We have registered for Lost in Pantoland with classes showing the pantomime from the 16th Dec.  We are also fortunate that the PTA have also paid for a virtual panto that all classes can look forward to on Festive Friday this week.  The PTA are also providing juice, sweets and crisps on the day.  Many thanks to the PTA.


12 Days of Giving

Many thanks to everyone for the astounding response to our Christmas Appeal.  Momentum remains high and children  enjoy taking part and seeing the daily increase in food donations.  If you wish to respond to Father Kane’s Toy Appeal please hand in toy to the school office  Please see schedule for this week.  Monday is tin of soup day!