All posts by Mrs Docherty

Nursery and Pr. 1 Enrolments

Enrolment deadlines for P1 and Nursery for session 2021-2022 are as follows:
P1 Enrolment – 22nd January 2021
Nursery Enrolment – 12 February 2021
Application forms can be completed online and sent along with supporting paperwork by email to
Check out www. for further information and application forms.

School Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

My sincere thanks for the great work you are undertaking to support our remote/digital learning. The level of engagement across the school has been most reassuring. If you are one of the very few families that have not logged into teams to see the set work for each day please arrange to do so as a matter of urgency. Whilst your child/ren may not be in the classroom, school is most definitely continuing and new learning is taking place each day. Not visiting your child’s virtual classroom each day will lead to gaps in learning that will impact on their attainment. We are here to help so please do not hesitate to get in contact should you require any support. We have understood from the outset the enormous challenge this is for all our families as you attempt to juggle the demands of family life, home schooling and working from home. Please rest assured we get it. With that in mind please make it a clear focus to complete all work in relation to literacy and numeracy as a priority. Ensuring that new learning is undertaken and that learning intentions have been met in these two key areas will support your child enormously when the time comes to return to school. Please also, look after your own health and wellbeing and that of your family. Break the learning into chunks, ensure brain breaks, vary activities and make sure you all get outside each day. A child’s day in school is very varied and they don’t sit in class with their head down from 9 – 3pm so please don’t expect this at home. There are breaks, direct lessons, interaction, completing assigned tasks, opportunities to develop initiative and creativity so please do not get caught up on putting pressure on yourself or your child/ren. We know this is overwhelming but if we continue to work together we can make this situation a rewarding experience for everyone even in these most challenging of times.

I would like to take this opportunity to speak on behalf of the school staff and extend a huge thank you for the feedback we have received this week. Taking the time to contact the school and provide feedback around current provision has greatly supported staff in what has been a most challenging beginning to the term. Like you, they are spinning quite a few plates and greatly appreciate your many kind sentiments. Staff are working incredibly hard to get it right for your child so once again please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require support.

On a final note we say a very sad farewell this week to our dear friend and colleague Mrs. Sarah Cannon who died suddenly at the end of term. Sarah’s Requiem Mass will take place on Monday at 11.30am in St.Augustine’s Church. There will be a live broadcast should you wish to view online. As a school community we greatly mourn her loss as Sarah was a most valued member of our staff team and a treasured member of our school family. I am sure you join with us in extending your condolences to Frank, her husband and her children. Sarah was loved by everyone and her passing is of great sadness and felt across our whole school community. Please remember Sarah and her family in your prayers.

Yours sincerely

Mrs.Caroline Docherty

Head Teacher


Virtual Coffee Morning

It was lovely to see so many parents take time out from home schooling to join our virtual coffee morning.  I hope you found it helpful.  Many thanks to Mrs. Drummond who was on hand to answer more specific IT questions.  Please read attached summary of the morning’s meeting if you could not attend this morning.  We aim to host another virtual coffee morning next week to offer continued support.

Virtual Coffee Morning – 13.1.21