A thank you from MISSIO

Thank You Certificate – St Augustine’s

Many thanks for your school’s donation of £700.00 to support the work of Missionary Children. Please pass on our thanks to all involved.


This donation will help Missionary Children provide educational, medical and welfare projects for children in the poorest areas of the world.


In recent years, thanks to the generosity of Scotland’s school pupils, we were able to support students in the Likuni Girls Secondary School, in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi. Some 650 girls attend the school, which is run by headmistress Sister Amelia Nyendwa.


During a visit to Malawi, a member of our team was fortunate enough to meet three of those students, who thanked us for our support, stated their dedication to continued working and studying hard and spoke passionately about their hopes and dreams for the future.


One girl, Eunice Banda, even spoke of how the help she has received from Missio Scotland will act as a catalyst for her to help others in future.


“I promise that I will work extra hard so that you will be proud of me,” she wrote. “I will also work hard to fulfil my goals so that in future I can be in a position to help the needy.”


I have attached a ‘Thank You’ certificate for display in the school to ensure visitors are aware of the generosity of your pupils.


The generosity and continued support of your school are very much appreciated.



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