The Week Ahead

Our week ahead is a busy one as always at St.Augustine’s school.
MONDAY – Running Club Pr.5 – 3.00- 4.00 (Mrs.Robb). This week a letter will be issued to all Pr.5
pupils to invite more of our pupils to attend. Details will also feature in the
newsletter to raise awareness at whole school level of all our clubs. Permission letters
in regard of all clubs will be issued this week.
TUESDAY – Claudia Mendonca will visit the school to discuss parking concerns in light of work on
the school travel plan.
WEDNESDAY – Mrs.Cameron will be out of school to attend a training course and Mrs.Gilhooly will
cover the class in the morning.
Mrs.Docherty will meet with Ciaran Fagan from Parent Action for Safe Play in regard of
plans for activity clubs this session.
Gardening Club – 3.00 – 4.00 (Mrs.Chisholm)
John Muir Club – 3.00 – 4.00 ( Mrs.O’Neil)
P.T.A.MEETING – 7.30pm. New members are welcome.
THURSDAY – Badminton – Pr. 6 classes 1.20 – 3.00pm. Badminton afterschool club to commence 3.00pm
FRIDAY – Pupil Learning Communities first meetings.

Our Pr. 7 pupils have responded magnificently to our appeal for greater supervision within the dinner hall to ensure our school is an effective Eco school that recycles fully. The Pr.7 pupils are currently working on a rota basis which means that they would be required to work as a Lunchtime Eco Monitor only twice (two lunchtimes) in a whole term for a period of only 30 minutes. This would ensure that they still have adequate time to play during their lunch break.

The school is looking forward to returning to school on Monday to see the new flooring that has been fitted in the hall marked with appropriate floor markings that will facilitate its use as a gym hall with netball court and badminton court lines marked out for the use of all classes.

The school is awaiting confirmation in result of imminent building work that we hope will take place as soon as possible to address ongoing concerns in regard of the roof. Last week we had a visit to our school kitchen from North Lanarkshire to discuss a possible refurb. We will keep you posted in regard of the outcome of the meeting. As always our fingers are crossed.
The school has ordered a skip for this week that will enable us to begin clearing the school of old furniture as we spring clean the school. Several classes are being looked at with a view to equiping them with new furniture for the start of the new session in August.
Our monthly newsletter will be issued this week so please remember to check your child’s school bag as it will have important dates for your diary.

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