Christmas Wishes

The staff team at St.Augustine’s Primary would like to extend our warmest wishes to all our families for a lovely and holy Christmas.  It is also a perfect time to extend a huge thanks once again for all the wonderful support you give to the school.   Our school would not be the success it is, if it were not for such wonderfully supportive families.

We wish you a merry and holy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

End of Month Assembly

We had our end of month assembly this morning and it was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate everything that has happened this month. This has included a visit to the panto, Christmas Fair, Christmas Lunch, Christmas parties, Christmas Nativity and shows, Carol singing visits and the great support for the 12 Days of Giving.   It really has been an action packed month that also served to share the true meaning of Christmas  among all our frantic preparations.

Christmas Dates


Tues. 10th –  Christmas Nativity and Show – Pr. 1 – 4 (6.30- 7.30pm)

Wed. 11th – Christmas Nativity and Show Pr. 1 – 4 (1.30pm)

Wed. 11th – Senior Christmas Show Pr. 5– 7 ( 6.30 – 8.00pm)

Thurs. 12th – Senior Christmas Show Pr. 5– 7 ( 1.00pm)

Frid. 12th Pr. 3 and Pr. 4 –  Christmas Party

Mon. 16th – Whole to visit panto Ravenscraig – Aladdin- am

Tues. 17th  Pr. 5 and Pr. 6   – Christmas Party

Wed. 18th   Pr. 7 Christmas Party

Thurs. 19th Pr. 1 and Pr. 2 Christmas Party

Frid. 20th   Christmas Service – 10.00am.

School closes Frid.20th   2.30pm.

School re-opens Mon. 5th January at 9.00am

Halloween Disco

Our annual Halloween disco will take place this Thursday  ( 24th October) in the school hall.

Pr. 1 – 3 – 6.00 – 7.15pm. Drop off is the main entrance and pick up is at the infant gates. Classes will be called one at a time to ease congestion at pick up time.

Pr. 4 – 7 – 7.30- 8.45pm. Drop off and pick up is the main entrance. A staggered pick up and one way system will be in operation to ease congestion at the end of the night.

Please note that in the interest of everyone’s safety, please, please do not park on the zig zags around the school or at the roundabout at either drop off or pick up  times.  Families and children will be arriving and leaving in the dark and we kindly ask that no one arrives or exits the school having to negotiate between parked cars outside the school.  It is extremely busy at these times so we kindly ask for your support in this regard.

Please park in the Time Capsule and walk with your child to the school.

All children are expected to be picked up from the disco and will not be permitted to leave without an adult.

Tickets are available on the PTA website or can be paid on the night.



What’s on this week?

Mon. 21st Assembly Pr. 6 and 7 – 9.00 – 9.40 – Mrs Docherty

School Counselling service – school visit

Rm 13 – Yoga 9.55 – 10.30


Tues 22nd Assembly P. 2 and 3  – 9.00 – 9.40- Mrs Elliott

Pr. 5 dry sports and swimming block- am. Mrs McShane to assist. Mrs McGurk to confirm parent helpers.

Wed. 23rd Assembly Pr. 4 and 5 – Mrs Docherty – 9.00 – 9.40

Pr.7 St.Ambrose Transition visit – am Room 9

Pr. 6 Mod. Language Transition visit 11 – 12.30

OPEN AFTERNOON – doors open 1.30pm ( parents to gather in school hall), presentation of School Improvement Plan to parents, class visits to commence 2.00 – 2.45pm.



Thurs. 24th Assembly Pr. 1 – Mrs Elliott – 9.00 – 9.40

Pr. 2 Church visit 10 – 12 Mass and meeting with Father Kane

Pr. 6/7 Football festival 1 boys team, 1 girls team – team of 7 ( squad of 10)- St.Ambrose 10- 12. Mrs McGurk to book bus. Mrs Redmond to organise football strips/tracksuits. Miss  Ross to escort pupils

Pr. 7 Bikeability form to be returned

Mrs Docherty – Cluster Meeting 1.30pm

HALLOWEEN DISCO – Pr 1- 3 6.00pm – 7.15pm

Pr. 4 – 7, 7.30pm – 8.45pm



CHOIR 1.30 – 2.00

Pr. 5 Benchball – S5 Sports Leaders – ( Tilly Mullen, Joseph Quinn, Cameron Foot, Cameron Czarnecki) 2- 3pm-  3 weeks ( competition at St.Ambrose 1- 2.30pm 15th Nov

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