Head Teacher’s Blog – Friday 10th February 2017

Today was an amazing day at Stane Primary School and one I will remember for a long time.

After weeks of preparation, the children’s art work was finally ready to be showcased at our first ever ‘Art Exhibition’.

The children had worked so hard during #staneartfortnight to create canvases, framed work, pieces of writing, artist fact-files and even a trailer for a video.  Many members of staff worked late on Thursday to make sure the hall looked amazing – I was very grateful for everyone who pitched in.  The hall looked amazing – full of colour, pattern and design!

The atmosphere during the event was wonderful – thank you to all of our parents, families and visitors who came along and took the time to look closely at the pieces and read the information.

All of the classes got the chance to visit the gallery during the day too – they were so excited to spot a little sticker on their art work which let them know it had been sold.  If you didn’t get a chance to purchase your child’s work, don’t worry – you can send the money in next week!

The P6/7 guides did a great job of showing guests around and helping with the sales of the art work – many of our guests commented on their maturity, excellent behaviour and positive attitude.  I was very proud of them.

I was delighted that Ms. Cameron, Continuous Improvement Officer from NLC, was able to attend in the afternoon.  She commented on the impact of the exhibits as well as the creativity and hard work of the pupils.

I would like to say thank everyone who visited and to those who purchased some art work.  I’d also like to thank the parents and grandparents who donated home-baking or treats for the refreshment table. From the feedback we received, it’s safe to say the event was a huge success:

We had two events running today to involve parents/carers in the life of our school.  All of the schools and nurseries in Shotts and Allanton had worked together to host a ‘Transition to Primary 1’ workshop for parents/carers whose children will start school in August 2017.

Over the past months, Mrs. Linfoot has been liaising with staff from Dykehead, Allanton, St. Patrick’s and Shotts Family Learning Centre to plan and develop the workshop which took place at Calderhead High School.

Therese Henery, CIO for Early Learning and Childcare opened the event with some excellent remarks about the importance of getting transition right for our young people.  She also commented on the fact that our event was ‘Sector Leading’ and was a model that could be rolled out to other localities – praise indeed.

It was a wonderful event and a lovely opportunity for parents/carer across the community to come together to learn about Primary 1 in North Lanarkshire schools and hear from some of our partner agencies too.

Thank you to the staff and colleagued involved in the success of the day and also to the parents/carers and families who were able to attend.  The feedback for this event also showed how well it was received by the participants:


As I said, today has really been one to remember – two excellent examples of our community working together in partnership for the benefit of our children!

Don’t forget that Stane Primary and Nursery Class is closed to pupils on Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th February 2017.  Enjoy the long weekend.

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