Head Teacher’s Blog – Wednesday 8th February 2017

Wednesday is one of my favourite days in school as we have our ‘Celebrating Success’ assembly in the morning.  The children enjoyed singing ‘Happy and You Know It’ and ‘Build Up’ and the JRSOs delivered an excellent presentation about Zebra Crossings and how to use them safely.


We also celebrated with all of the children who have remained on Green so far this week or have even been moved up to Silver or Gold!  Two girls showed off their Dance Exam trophies and certificates and we celebrated four birthdays as well.  We sang the weekly ‘Well Done’ song to all of our achievers and ended the assembly with our school song, ‘As We Go Now’.  This is such an important song to us as it reminds us that we must ‘treasure one another’ and realise ‘how important we all are’.

The teachers were very proud to present two pupils from their class with the ‘Stane Superstar’ trophies for excellent behaviour or excellent classwork.  Have a look at who earned it this week:


Jonathan, our school chaplain, visited the children during assembly today and joined the staff for a ‘cuppa’ at interval.  It is lovely to have him join us regularly and the children enjoy his company too.  In the afternoon, he visited P5/6 and P6/7 and was teaching them about forgiveness through the parable of ‘The Lost Son’.

I was able to join P2/3 for their Taught Writing lesson after interval as they worked on their preparation and planning for a persuasive piece of writing.  Based on their story of ‘Lost and Found’, they will be writing a persuasive letter to earn place on a trip to ‘The South Pole’.  They were considering what would be the best items to pack in their case.  Many of the children were coming up with some great ideas such as waterproof trousers, boots, hats and gloves.  Some even thought about packing a flask and sandwiches – after all, it will be a long journey!   I was very impressed with how well P2/3 concentrated and worked co-operativley together to come up with idea.  I can’t wait to read their stories tomorrow.

In this week’s Wishaw Press, our P6 Enterprise Group are featured as they pitched to the Parent Council last week for a donation toward their Edinburgh excursion.  Check out the coverage we got:


In the afternoon I had the pleasure of escorting some of the P6 Enterprise children to a local Cash and Carry to buy sweeties!  They have decided to host a ‘Pick and Mix’ sale in school over the next few days.  The children thought carefully about the best sweeties to buy that will be popular with the other pupils.   Mix-ups will go on sale from tomorrow.

There has been a huge interest in our new after-school clubs and letters have started to be issued to children who have successfully been allocated a place.  Clubs start next week!

Our nursery children have loved looking after the chicks for the past two weeks but sadly they are now too big to stay!  Tomorrow will be their last day with us before they go to live on a lovely, free-range farm!  Well done to all of the children for looking after the chicks so well.

Don’t forget that our Art Exhibition takes place on Friday and this means a few changes to the daily routines.  Tuck shop will be open at 8.45am and not at 10.30am.  Lunch will only be Snack2Go option available from the canteen and children are asked to order that with their lunch option on Thursday.  The children will eat their lunches in class that day too.

We hope that as many parents/carers can pop in to our art exhibition, even for just 5 minutes to see the wonderful work and purchase their child’s art work!


And finally, if you are concerned about your child’s speech/language there are drop-in sessions available in the local area.  Here are the details of the next one:


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