What’s on at Stane – Monday 21st to Friday 25th August 2017

The first two days of the 2017/18 school year have been wonderful.  The children have been working hard and have all come back to school with an ‘attitude to learn’.  Mr. Clark has been most impressed with the attitude of each pupil.

We had our first assembly on Friday morning and sung lots of songs together – P1 pupils at beautifully and were all joining in with the words and actions.

We have a three week rotation on our dinner menu and we will be on Week 2 of the Spring/Summer menu this week.  Please talk over the options with your child and help them decide what they will order:

This week’s school and nursery diary:

Monday 21st August 2017

  • Starting today, two S5 pupils from Calderhead High School will visit our school throughout the year for regular work experience.  They will work in the open area classes and the nursery.

Tuesday 22nd August 2017

  • 5pm-6pm:  An information session for P7 parents and pupils about Kilbowie will take place in the hall.  Please contact Mr. Clark to make an alternate arrangement if you can’t make it.

Wednesday 23rd August 2017

  • 9.30am-10.15am: Our weekly ‘Celebrating Success Assembly’ takes place on a Wednesday morning.  We will share our achievements and hard work from the week.  If your child has a special achievement from home to share, they can let their teacher know.  This may be an award or certificate from a club, a ‘first’ such as riding their bike or swimming a distance, or a special news such as a new family member etc.

Thursday 24th August 2017

  • Staff will be meeting after school today to plan the next steps in our ‘Trauma-informed’ approach.  Keep your eyes peeled for information about this soon.

Friday 25th August 2017

  • Non-Uniform Day:  The last Friday of every month, all pupils may wear appropriate casual clothes to school.  If you are able to donate £1 per pupil for this, it will go towards school funds which are used to subsidise the cost of outings, buy resources and materials etc.  We appreciate your support with this!
  • 10.45am-11.30am:  Singing Assembly.  We come together at this time every week to just have fun together – singing together makes everyone feel good!
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Gold & Silver Playtime.  Children who have made their way to Gold or Silver throughout the week have an additional playtime on a Friday afternoon.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time – as a treat for hard work and positive attitude to learning, all pupils can enjoy a fun afternoon of activities each week.

Summer Holidays

Stane Primary School will re-open to all pupils on Thursday 17th August 2017.  P2-7 pupils should attend from 9am (or may attend Breakfast Club from 8.15am).

P1 pupils should arrive via the main entrance at 9.30am.

From Friday 18th August 2017, all pupils will start at 9am.

Stane Primary Nursery Class will re-open to returning pupils on Thursday 17th August 2017 at 8.45am and 12.45pm.

New nursery pupils starting date/time was detailed on the letter offering the nursery place.

Have a wonderful summer!

What’s on at Stane – Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th June 2017

Lunches this week:

This week’s lunch menu for Monday.  Children must pre-order lunch for the rest of the week using the forms that were sent home last week.  There will be no lunches available for children who have not pre-ordered.



The diary for the week ahead:

Monday 26th June 2017

  • 1.30pm-2pm:  Pupil Voice Session – Children will work in their focus groups for the final time this year.
  • 2.15pm-3pm:  Seasons for Growth Celebration.  Parents/Carers of children involved invited to attend.
  • 4pm-8pm:  P7 Leavers’ Treat.  Children to be at school for 3.45pm.

Tuesday 27th June 2017

  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Meet the Teacher – Children will work with their teacher for next session.

Wednesday 28th June 2017

  • 1pm:  School closes for the summer holidays.  Parents/carers are invited to join us in the playground at 12.45pm for a ‘Guard of Honour’ for P7 Leavers.

Thursday 17th August 2017

  • 8.15am:  Breakfast Club re-opens for the new term.
  • 8.45am and 12.45pm:  Nursery Class reopens (am and pm)
  • 9am:  School re-opens to P2-7 pupils.
  • 9.30am:  New P1 children begin – please arrive at the hall.

What’s on at Stane 19th to 23rd June 2017

As we enter the final full week of the session, there are lots of events for the school and nursery to mark the end of the year.  To accommodate these, the school tuck shop will be from 8.45am-9am Monday to Thursday this week. Pupils who wish to buy tuck should enter via the P3-7 doors.

The lunch menu for the week ahead:

The diary for this week:

Monday 19th June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  Summer Service and Prize Giving.  All parents/carers invited to attend.  Tea/Coffee available from 9am.
  • 1.30pm-2pm:  Sports Day Presentations – The winning house team will be revealed (Event for upils only).
  • 2pm-4pm:  School Uniform Rep in school for parents/carers to drop-in to see samples and sizes.  School laptops will be available for parents who wish to order online.
  • 3pm-4pm:  Football After School Club with Mr. McKenna (Final Week)

Tuesday 20th June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • 9.15am-10.15am:  Nursery End of Year Celebration Assembly.  Parents/Carers invited to attend.
  • 10.30am-12pm:  Nursery Fun Day Celebration.
  • 11am-12pm:  Final Library Bus visit of the year.  Pupils in P1-7 will have an opportunity to return any books they still have.
  • 1.30pm-3pm:  Nursery Induction Visit for 2017/18 new pupils.

Wednesday 21st June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • Good to Be Green Reward Day.  (Pupils who have achieve a 12, 24 or 36 week certificate may wear casual clothes today).

Thursday 22nd June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  Primary 7 Leavers’ Assembly.  All parents/carers invited to attend.  Tea/Coffee available from 9am.
  • 10.30am-11.30am:  P7 Parents and Pupils celebration tea.
  • 3pm-4pm:  Nursery to Primary 1 Transition Workshop.  Final session.

Friday 23rd June 2017

  • 8.45am-3pm: P3/4 and P4/5 exclusion to Glasgow Science Centre, Planetarium  and IMAX.  Pupils should arrive at school for 8.30am to allow the early departure.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for Pupils who achieve Silver or Gold this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time


What’s on at Stane Monday 12th to Friday 16th June 2017

This week’s lunch menu:

This week’s school diary:

Sports Day for P1-7 will take place on Monday 12th June (weather permitting) pupils may wear suitable sports clothing including their house colour if possible.

Sports Day for the Nursery will take place on Friday 16th June (weather permitting) pupils may wear suitable sports clothing.

Monday 12th June 2017

  • 11am-12pm: P1/2 to P3/4 Sports Day – Herbison Park
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  P4/5 to P6/7 Sports Day – Herbison Park
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 After School Football with Mr. McKenna (PE kit and water required).

Tuesday 13th June 2017

  • 10am-10.30am:  P5 Kodaly Music Lesson with Mrs. Wilkinson.
  • 1.30pm-3pm:  P7 Safety Talk with Community Police.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P6/7 Nurture Club with Mrs. Parker.

Wednesday 14th June 2017

  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  RME with Jonathan (P5/6 and P6/7).
  • 2pm-2.30pm:  Sid and Shanarri Workshop for pm Nursery Pupils (Led by P7 pupils).

Thursday 15th June 2017

  • 9am-3pm:  Nursery Trip to Blairdrummond Safari  Park.
  • 9am-10am:  Brass Tuition with Mr. Kane.
  • 10am:  P1 Medical Assessments with community health team (rescheduled from two weeks ago).

Friday 16th June 2017

  • Nursery Sports Day
  • 10.50am-11.20am:  P1-7 Singing Assembly.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for pupils achieving Silver and Gold this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

What’s on at Stane Monday 5th to Friday 9th June 2017

This week’s lunch menu:

The school diary for this week:

Monday 5th June 2017

  • 1.30pm-2.30pm: Mr. Kane Brass Tutor in school instead of Thursday.  Pupils who attend should bring their instruments.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 After School Football Club (PE Kit and water required)

Tuesday 6th June 2017

  • 3pm-4pm:  P6/7 Nurture Club with Mrs. Parker

Wednesday 7th June 2017

  • 9.30am-12pm:  Football Team playing in the Shotts Cluster Friendship league at Calderhead High School.
  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 11am-11.30am:  Sid and Shanarri workshop for am Nursery pupils (led by P6/7 pupils).
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  RME with Jonathan for P3/4 and P4/5.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm: Mr Cowan Bagpipe tutor working with P4 and P6 pupils.
  • 6pm-8pm:  Parent Council Meeting in Shotts EU Congregational Church Hall (All parents invited to attend).

Thursday 8th June 2017

  • Inservice Day (school used as a General Election Polling Station):
  • School and nursery closed to pupils.

Friday 9th June 2017

  • 9am-10.30am and 1.30pm-3pm:  Mr. O’Donnell working with pre-school nursery pupils for transition.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for children achieving Silver or Gold.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Please note that football after school club will now only run on a Monday.

What’s on at Stane – Tuesday 30th May to Friday 2nd June 2017

This week’s lunch menu:

The diary for this week:

Tuesday 30th May 2017

  • 10am-10.30am: P5 Kodaly Music Lesson with Mrs. Wilkinson
  • 3pm-4pm: P6/7 Nurture After School Club (Mrs. Parker)

Wednesday 31st May 2017

  • 9am-12.30pm:  P6/7 Attending St. Andrew’s Hospice ‘Wear Yellow Walk’ at Strathclyde Park.
  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 10.30am-3pm:  P1 Height and Weight Checks
  • 11am-11.30am:  Sid and Shanarri Workshop for am Nursery pupils (led by P6/7 Nurture Buddies).
  • 1.30pm-2pm: P1/2 and P2/3 RME with Jonathan

Thursday 1st June 2017

  • 9am-10am: Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, working with pupils from P6 & P7.
  • 9am-2pm:  10 pupils from P7 participating in Public Speaking/Maths Challenge at Calderhead High School.
  • 11am-12pm:  Family Learning Workshop (Mrs. Parker).
  • 3pm-4pm:  Nursery to P1 Transition Workshop (Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Linfoot).

Friday 2nd June 2017

  • 9am-11am:  P6/7 attending ‘Battle of the Somme’ play at Calderhead High School.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  Nursery to P1 Transition Session 3
  • 1.30pm-2pm:  Pupil Voice Groups
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for pupils achieving Silver and Gold.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm: Golden Time
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 After School Football (Mr Keir).

Saturday 3rd June 2017

  • 2pm:  P6 and 7 Pupils participating in Shotts Highland Games

What’s on at Stane 22nd-25th May 2017

The lunch menu for this week:

The diary for the week ahead:

Monday 22nd May 2017

  • From 9am: Dental team in school to administer P1-4 Flouride Varneshing for those pupils with parental consent.
  • 9.30am-12pm:  World of Work Event for P6 and P7.  Representatives from the community and local businesses will work with the children on a career focus workshop.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 After School Football Club with Mr. McKenna (Kit and water required).

Tuesday 23rd May 2017 

  • AM and PM Nursery Session:  Vision Screening for pre-school pupils.
  • 11am-12pm:  Library Bus visiting school.
  • 10.45am-11.45am:  Mrs. Parker working with P1/2 on Emotional Workshop (rescheduled from last week).
  • 3pm-4pm:  P6/7 Nurture Club with Mrs. Parker
  • 5.30pm-6.30pm:  Nursery to P2 Parent Council Summer Disco
  • 6.45pm-8pm:  P3 to P7 Parent Council Summer Disco

Wednesday 24th May 2017

  • 9am-3pm:  P1/2 and P2/3 Excursion to Amazonia and Strathclyde Park. Children should wear school jumper with casual joggers etc.
  • 9.45am-10.15am: Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 11am-11.30am:  P6/7 Sid and Shanarri workshop for am Nursery pupils.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  RME with Jonathan (P5/6 and P6/7).
  • 1.30pm:  Mr. Cowan, Bagpipe Tutor working with P4 and P6 pupils.
  • 2pm-2.30pm:   P6/7 Sid and Shanarri workshop for pm Nursery pupils.

Thursday 25th May 2017

  • Non-uniform Day (£1 per pupil with a Beach Theme).
  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor working with P6 and P7 pupils.
  • 10am-10.15am:  Early Tuck Shop this week.
  • 10.15am-10.30am:  Extra playtime for pupils achieving Silver or Gold this week.
  • 11am-12pm:  Family Learning Workshop Week 2 (Mrs. Parker).
  • 1.30pm-3pm:  Open Afternoon – Click here for more details.
  • 3pm-4pm:  Pre-School Nursery Family workshop,

Friday 26th May 2017/Monday 29th May 2017

  • School and Nursery closed for May long weekend.

Tuesday 30th May 2017

  • School and nursery re-open at normal times.

What’s on at Stane: 15th to 19th May 2017

This week’s lunch menu:

The diary for this week:

Monday 15th May 2017

  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 Football After School Club with Mr. McKenna (PE Kit and Water required).

Tuesday 16th May 2017

  • 10am-10.30am:  P5 Kodaly Music lesson with Mrs. Wilkinson
  • 10.45am-11.45am:  Mrs. Parker working with P1/2 for Emotional Literacy follow-up lesson.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P6/7 Nurture After School Club with Mrs. Parker

Wednesday 17th May 2017

  • 9.45am-12pm:  Football Team playing in Shotts Cluster Friendly tournament at Calderhead HS.
  • 11am-11.30am:  P6/7 working with am Nursery pupils for Sid and Shanarri Workshop.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  RME with Jonathan – P3/4 and P4/5
  • 2pm-2.30pm:  P6/7 working with pm Nursery pupils for Sid and Shanarri Workshop.

Thursday 18th May 2017

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor working with pupils from P6 and P7.
  • 11am-12pm:  Family Learning Workshop Week 2 with Mrs. Parker
  • 3pm-4pm:  Nursery and P1 Nurture Club with Mrs. Linfoot and Mrs. Parker.  All parents of nursery/P1 pupils welcome to attend.

Friday 19th May 2017

  • Miss Wilson’s final day of teaching practice.
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  P1/2 and P2/3 Assembly.  Parents/carers invited to attend.  Tea/Coffee served from 9am.
  • 10.50am-11.20am:  Singing Assembly
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for children who earn Gold and Silver.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 Football After School Club with Mr. Keir (PE Kit and Water required).

What’s on at Stane 9th-12th May 2017

Apologies for the lateness of this information – this was due to technical issues with the ICT hardware.

The lunch menu for this week:

The diary for this week:

Tuesday 9th May 2017

  • Day 1 of P7 two-day visit to Calderhead High School.  Pupils should make their own way to Calderhead for 8.55am start.  The day ends at 3.45pm on Tuesday.
  • All P6s will take part in Nurture Buddy Training with Mrs. Parker today.  This will prepare them for becoming P7 Buddies next year.

Wednesday 10th May 2017

  • Day 2 of P7 two-day visit to Calderhead High School.  Pupils should make their own way to Calderhead for 8.55am start.  The day ends at 2.55pm on Wednesday.
  • All P6s will take part in Nurture Buddy Training with Mrs. Parker today.  This will prepare them for becoming P7 Buddies next year.
  • 9.45am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly

Thursday 11th May 2017

  • 9am:  Brass Tuition with Mr. Kane
  • 1.40pm-2.40pm:  Mrs. Parker working with P4/5 for “Inside Out” follow up session.
  • 3pm-8pm:  Parent Teacher Consultations
  • 3pm-5pm and 6pm-8pm:  Travelling Book Fayre open for purchases.

Friday 12th May 2017

  • Mr O’Donnell working in the Nursery Class for literacy and maths transition.
  • 10.50am-11.20am:  Singing Assembly
  • 1.15pm-2pm: Mrs. Parker working with P2/3 for “Inside Out” follow up session.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for pupils achieving Gold and Silver
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 Football Club with Mr. Keir.
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