Social Subjects & Business Staff
Mr G Mullen (Modern Studies & History) – Head of Faculty
Mrs L McMahon (History & Modern Studies)
Miss L Donnelly (History & Modern Studies) – Principal Teacher of Pupil Support
Mrs R Gardiner (Modern Studies & History)
Mrs J McKendrick (History)
Mrs LM Lynas (Geography)
Ms M Veldon (History & Modern Studies) – Principal Teacher of Pupil Support
Ms A Campbell (Geography & Modern Studies)
Mr R Shaw (Geography & Modern Studies & Computing Science)
Ms Connor (Modern Studies)
Ms E McDonald (Geography)
Miss M Coyle (History)
Mrs G Ferns (History) – Principal Teacher of Pupil Support
Mr D Conroy (Modern Studies)
Mrs C Smith (Business Education)
Mrs Y Currie (Business Education)
Ms C McAveety (Business Education)
Mrs A Blades (Business Education & Computing Science)
Ms N Allardice (Business Education)