P6 Solo Talks

P6 have had a great week and have been enjoying all of the solo talks.  We are hearing very interesting information and have even had a barn owl visiting the class.  Solo talks have covered many different areas of interest for the children.  Children have been well prepared and have spoken out confidently.  Well done to everyone.


P6 were very successful when using the laptops.  They were able to create documents using word processing and could change the font size, colour and style and were able to add their own media.  Well done.

Parent Council AGM

The Parent Council AGM will take place on Wednesday 5th October at 7 pm. The Parent Council are always looking for new members so please come along to our school if you can.

P6 Science Week

P6 really enjoyed Science Week.  Thank you to Mrs Bain who did a Forensic Science workshop with us.  We also had fun at the floating and sinking workshop.  We investigated the life cycle of plants and animals and researched how an electrical circuit works.  We also looked into chemical changes and completed a practical investigation booklet on this.

P7 Group Presentations

After choosing, discussing and researching a topical science story we presented our work to the class. If you want to listen to our research click on the play buttons below.