Shotts Gala Day 2016

We hope that as many families as possible would like to support the nursery by creating and designing a float to enter into the forthcoming Gala Day.  If you or any members of your family or friends could lend a hand, please advise your child’s key person who will pass your details on to Rochelle, who is leading this project, or alternatively if you would Rochelle’s contact details speak to Lynn.


Spring time Learning

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Children within the 3-5 playroom have returned from the Easter break full of energy and ready to learn.  With the welcomed appearance of the sun and the temperatures rising the children have been even more motivated to explore the outdoor environment where they are discovering the sequence of how living things grow and develop as they plant seeds and learn what they need to survive.   Going on bug hunts using magnifying glasses has introduced the children to size and amounts as they discover the interesting creatures that live in our garden, information books have provided further knowledge on these topics and helped the ladies to answer the many questions asked.   Within the playroom these interest have been supported as children can recreate the images they have seen including flowers and mini beasts using a range of media.  Jigsaws, table top games, small world resources and Smart Board programmes have been used to enable children to researching within a variety of ways.

Children and staff are super excited about the arrival of the baby chicks coming on Monday.

what’s on week beginning 25th April 2016

Monday 25th

Living Eggs will be arriving today.

Alison Hay form NLC Early Years and Childcare will be in the nursery this afternoon.

Lynn will be in the Birth to Three nursery all week.

Tuesday 26th

Jennifer wil be supporting in the early level playroom whilst Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to families at Jigsaw Family Learning Centre.

Wednesday 27th

Jackie AL today

Marcella  Kirk, Health Visitor will be in the nursery this morning.

Thursday 28th

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen and Louise.

Lynn is attending a profiling and planning meeting in Rochsilloch Primary and Nursery.

Jennifer and Liz will be in the nursery today.

Friday 29th

Lynn will be attending Wishaw and Shotts Practitioners forum this morning.

Children will be attending Dykehead transition this morning 11 am.

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Carol and Susan.

Parent information session for those attending Learning Outdoors at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian. 10.45 am and 3.15 pm.

Lynn will be attending the Early Years Cluster meeting at New Stevenson Primary School

Rhyme Time Stay and Play

Week 5  – Little green frog

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The room was transformed into a lovely pond with a variety of frogs to explore and a very comfortable lily pad to sit on with your wee one as we learned the new song.

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Everyone had fantastic fun together as we searched for bugs to feed the frogs, created our very own catch the bugs game and we laughed together as the frogs jumped on and off the velcro material.

After a delicious frog themed snack we welcomed a very special visitor to help us celebrate the end of a very successful block of stay and play sessions.


Bookbug presented the children and families with a very special goody bag full of lots of exciting resources which will enabled the families who had taken part to continue the fun at home.


The next block of stay and play sessions will commence on Thursday 28th April  1:15pm – 2:30pm  – Hope to see you  there!

Families who attended the sessions have given staff some really positive feedback which reflect just how successful the sessions were.

“The way the room was decorated was great,

this was my favourite(green frog)”

“I googled this song when I got home and found more versions

as well as a little blue fish song in the same tune”

“Enjoyable experience very relaxed didn’t feel as though

it had to be professional at all i could be a fun mum”

“I loved interacting with other adults as well as children”

“It was a good opportunity during snack for my wee one to try new foods

“It was good spending time as a family and the food was delicious and set great for each session”

We are learning to……


During the forthcoming weeks the children within the early level playroom will be learning to:

  • develop my oral language skills through the Three Read Approach
  • use new vocabulary in everyday play situations to consolidate my learning
  • develop understanding that my early mark making skills represent meaning
  • understand that fact finding books help me plan my learning
  • evaluate my own work and comment on others
  • appreciate and enjoy singing within group situations
  • understand that my voice is a tool that I can use in different ways to create sound and rhythm
  • develop and use  mathematical language within all aspects of my play
  • use enquiry skills to gather, sort and display my findings
  • have a basic understanding of what living things need to grow and develop 

The children will be developing there knowledge and skills whilst learning about Growing.  This will include planting seeds and recording the growth cycle of eggs hatching into chicks. We hope that you will enjoy sharing in your child’s learning at home.

Please click on the link below to access songs and rhymes that will support your child’s learning at home.

Songs & Rhymes 2016

Through the Three Read Approach to literacy children will be focuses on characters, setting and problems as well as exploring new vocabulary within each story. Why not ask your child to share these elements of the story with you.

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What’s on week beginning 18th April 2016

Shotts Family Learning Centre April 2016 Newsletter

Monday 18th April 2016

Siobhan is on annual leave today.

Hazel Conaghan will be in the Sunshine Room this morning.

Alison Hay, Early Learning Development Officer will be meeting with Lynn and Jackie this afternoon.

Tuesday 19th April 2016

Ann is on leave this morning.

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC today.

Wednesday 20th April 2016

Jackie is on annual leave today.

Thursday 21st April 2016

Jackie is on annual leave today.

Liz and Jennifer are supporting in the early level playroom today.

Solihull understanding your child programme with Jen and Louise.

Friday 22nd April 2016

Siobhan is on annual leave today.

Lynn will be attending an Early Years Scotland event in NLC Headquarters, this morning.

Solihull understanding your child programme with Susan and Carol. minutes March 2016

What’s on week beginning 28th March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week.

Monday 28th March 2016

Public Holiday

Tuesday 29th March 2016

Lynn is on annual leave until Friday 1st April

Wednesday 30th March 2016

Thursday 31st March 2016

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen and Louise

Rhyme Time Stay and Play, what is our capacity for improvement for parents and carers with Elaine and Christine 1.15 pm until 2.15 pm

Friday 1st April 2016

Lynn attending a meeting at Craigneuk Family Learning Centre

Amanda OT will be in the early level playroom this morning

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Susan

Easter School Holiday Period Monday 4th April 2016 until Friday 15th April inclusive.




Little Miss Muffet

There was a fabulous turn out this week for our Rhyme Time Stay and Play session. A big thank you to all who have been attending and making this a successful programme. This weeks theme was “Little Miss Muffet” which is an old traditional rhyme which dates back to the 16th century. It was created by Dr. Muffet who was a famous entomologist who wrote the first scientific catalogue of british insects. The rhyme was inspired by his daughter who while eating her breakfast one morning was frightened by a spider.

After singing our songs and learning our rhyme we then went on to create some play dough spiders and played a game of trying to get the spiders out from their webs.  In the photographs below you can see just how much fun the families had playing together.

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What’s on week beginning 21st March 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week

Gillian, Head of centre from Forgewood Family Learning Centre will be spending some time in the centre this week

Monday 21st March 2016

Gillian will be out of the centre this afternoon

Tuesday 22nd March 2016

Lynn will be attending a Profiling and Planning meeting in Moodiesburn this morning

Mary Ann VI teacher will be in the centre this morning

Amanda OT will be in the centre this morning

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Gemma SLT will be in the centre this afternoon

Thursday 24th March 2016

Susan is on annual leave today

Elaine will be attending the final session of the Infant Mental Health course

Easter fun activities, visit from the Easter Bunny.   Easter Bonnets/Hats optional

Solihull Understanding your Child with Jen and Louise in the Parent Room

Bookbug Rhyme Time Stay and Play final session, with a visit from Bookbug

Elaine will be attending her VIG supervision session in St Brendans this afternoon

Today is the last day for acceptance of places allocated at the admissions panel.  Slips not returned will result in the place being offered to children on the waiting list.

Friday 25th and Monday 28th March Public Holiday for staff

Easter Hamper Raffle Draw will take place at 11.35 am  and 3.55 pm on Wednesday 23rd March 2016, all proceeds will go towards the family end of term event.

Eco News

The children have been working towards gaining our next Green Flag.  Our priorities are Litter, Food and the Environment and Transport.

SAM_2767Morning Eco Committee

SAM_2001Afternoon  Eco Committee

We have been discussing taking part in  ‘Walk to Nursery Week’ to raise awareness of the effects cars have on  air pollution.

We are planning a trip to the Healthy Living community garden and then the Café to find out more about how the food grown in the garden is used.  We will then organise visits to carry out  some planting of fruit and vegetables in the GBT community garden which we can then use at nursery for snack.

The children have also been tidying the nursery garden by litter picking and placing it in the bins.

Eco-Schools Logo

Look out for more updates on the Eco tree in the cloakroom!

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