
P1 Race for Life

Today we held our first ever P1 Race for Life to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Our P1 children were joined by their parents and other relatives to take part in a tricky off-road 1K sponsored run.

Following a quick warm up, the children set off – amazing Mr Innes with just how fit they were! Friends and relatives had turned out to cheer them on as they left the school building and ran through the park at Cairnhill, and were waiting to raise the roof for their little superstars as they crossed the line on our football pitch at the end of the race!

After all the hard work, our pupils and their running partners were given a well-earned cup of juice before climbing the podium to receive their medals in front of their adoring public!

We would like to say a huge congratulations to the pupils, family members and staff who helped make the event a success – and to everyone who has donated to the cause. So far, we have raised over £500!

Finally – we would like to wish our Rochsolloch Rochettes good luck for the Race for Life at Glasgow Green tomorrow, with 15 female members of staff taking part to raise money for this amazing cause. If you’re at the race tomorrow, be sure to give them an extra loud cheer!

We are so proud of our Rochsolloch family!


Visit from Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Yesterday at assembly we were visited by Julie from Down’s Syndrome Scotland, who arrived to receive our large cheque of £298.10!

Julie also taught us more about the wonderful work of Down’s Syndrome Scotland, and thanked our school pupils for their amazing contribution!

Before leaving, our pupils treated Julie to a display of some of our Makaton sign language we have been learning – we think she was really impressed!


Charity Fundraising

You will remember last term we took part in fundraising activities for Down’s Syndrome Scotland and Comic Relief.

Between our school classes and nursery classes, we managed to raise:

  • a fantastic £298.10 for Down’s Syndrome Scotland
  • a wonderful £583.97 for Comic Relief (Red Nose sales + Wear Red Day)!

Thank you so much for helping us support these wonderful causes!


Wear Red for Comic Relief!

Today marked the end of an amazing week of fundraising at Rochsolloch Primary School!

Our school and nursery children came to school wearing red, to celebrate the wonderful work of the Comic Relief charity.

Grand totals for both Comic Relief and Down’s Syndrome Scotland will be announced next week, but early indications show that we have raised around £200 for Down’s Syndrome Scotland and over £400 for Comic Relief.

In addition to this money,  we also managed to sell an unbelievable 300 red noses! Each nose sold provides Comic Relief with at least 60p towards the charity.

Don’t forget to tune in to Comic Relief TV tonight to find out about the wonderful worldwide projects that your generous donations will be supporting.  Red noses are available at Sainsbury’s for anyone who wasn’t one of the ‘lucky few’ to pick one up this week!

We are so proud of your efforts children!!!


Comic Relief Update

We have now successfully sold 180 red noses for Comic Relief!

Thank you so much for your support!  The Pupil Council will continue to sell red noses at playtime on Thursday and Friday.

New photos have been added to the gallery below.


Comic Relief Update

On day 2 of our Comic Relief fundraising, we have already sold an incredible 141 red noses for the cause!

Red noses will remain on sale every day this week for those still wishing to purchase one!


Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day

As you will know, today is Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day!

At assembly last week, Mr Innes taught the pupils about what causes Down’s Syndrome, and how Down’s Syndrome can affect people.

Today we celebrated Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day by taking part in the Lots of Socks campaign, with lots of our school and nursery pupils and staff choosing to get involved in the fun of the day by wearing extra, odd or whacky socks!

So far, we have raised an amazing £164.50 to support the excellent work of Down’s Syndrome Scotland.


Fundraising for Comic Relief!

This morning at playtime, our Pupil Council started selling red noses for Comic Relief, with our first batch selling out in just over two minutes!

Don’t worry though, there will be new noses on sale again at playtime tomorrow.  Noses are priced at £1.

We can’t wait to send our grand total to Comic Relief on Friday!


Next Week’s Fundraising

A quick reminder relating to next week’s plans:

Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day – Lots of Socks Campaign

  • Pupils to come to school wearing colourful, whacky, odd or extra socks and bring a £1 donation for Down’s Syndrome Scotland.

Comic Relief – Red Nose Day

  • Red noses on sale from Monday, priced at £1.
  • ‘Wear Red’ themed dress-down day on Friday – any donations very welcome.

Fundraising Success!


On behalf of the Pupil Council, our School Captain, Lucy, would like to thank all of the boys and girls for supporting our Dress Down Day for Glasgow Children’s Hospital.

We managed to raise a fantastic £295.08!

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