
Nursery Newsletter

The Nursery Class Newsletter for February can now be downloaded from the Newlsetter Page.


Talent Show!

As you may know, our School and House Captains and Vice-Captains have been working really hard over the past few weeks to organise and run a school talent show.

Our show was held in the assembly hall this morning, and it was definitely a big success! Our Captains and Vice-Captains did a great job of presenting the show and the talent on display was fantastic!

Our audience were wowed with some wonderful singing, dancing, music, poetry, gymnastics, art and even some impressions!

Check out the gallery below and have a look at our 13 marvellous acts, who all performed on stage this morning:

We would like to say a huge congratulations to everybody involved, with an extra special mention to our winners:

Robbie, in 3rd place, singing ‘We Will Rock You’, who has won 50 points for his house!

Alex, in 2nd place, who performed some live art with audience participation, earning 75 points for his house in the process.

Lucy and Amber, who sang beautifully and finished as joint winners…earning a whopping 100 points each for their houses!


Netball Update

Today we received the wonderful news that our netball team have qualified for the Airdrie Schools League Finals.

Well done team!


Rookie Rockstars Reminder

Don’t forget that our Rookie Rockstars concert is coming up on Thursday night.

There are still tickets available, which can be purchased from the school office.


Digital Literacy Investment

As part of our School Improvement Plan, we have been looking to develop ‘Digital Literacy.’ With this in mind, we have invested in 24 brand new HP laptops, which will be used by all pupils in the school during the school year. In order to do this, we’ve combined some of our school budget with money raised by our Parent Council.

Take a look at these effective contributors from P5, who helped to ‘set-up’ and test our new laptops on Friday afternoon.


Magnificent Netballers!

We would like to congratulate our school netball team on a very successful outing this morning! Our pupils visited Airdrie Academy to take part in a netball qualifying festival, where they competed in four matches – winning an amazing three of them!

The team will find out next week whether they have qualified for the next round of the competition, so our fingers are crossed!
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Our after school netball club has been running for around a year now, and the pupils have worked very hard to improve their skills and knowledge of the game, alongside Miss Clerkson and Miss Allan.

I know the rest of the netball squad will be as proud of today’s team as their coaches are! Great job team!


Did You Know?

Every second Wednesday, we hold a ‘Celebrating Success’ assembly. At these assemblies, pupils are awarded with certificates for being Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens, or Confident Individuals.

Our House Captains and Vice-Captains also update our school on how many house points have been awarded over the past fortnight.  House Points are awarded for positive behaviour, effort, attitude and manners.

We also encourage pupils to share personal achievements with the whole school, including sports medals and trophies, dancing exam success, martial arts gradings, Boys’/Girls’ Brigade badges, and many more!

At Rochsolloch Primary we love to celebrate the successes of our wonderful pupils!!!


Rookie Rockstars in the House!

As you will know, over the past few days we have been visited by the Rookie Rockstars, and have been having a blast preparing for our upcoming concert.

Our children have:

  • learned to sing rock songs with a positive message
  • learned choreographed dance moves to accompany those songs
  • designed CD covers to be used on our school recording
  • taken part in hilarious challenges, including Chubby Bunnies, a Rap Battle and Wrapping the Mummy
  • joined in with pop rock sing-a-longs
  • increased knowledge of musical terms such as chorus, pre-chorus and riff.

Have a look at the gallery below to see some serious rocking out!!!


Nursery Nativity – Professional Photographs!

On the 21st of December, both our AM and PM Nursery Class children performed a spectacular show: A Wriggly Nativity!

Everyone who came along would agree that the show was absolutely terrific. The children looked incredible in their costumes and sang their hearts out throughout the show!

After the show, our parents and guests enjoyed a mince pie and the relaxing notes of Mr Bees.  Check out our professional photographs in the gallery below.  We would again like to say a huge thank you to John Wilson Photography for providing us with such perfect snaps of our little stars in action!


Talent Show Update

Our Captains have watched some wonderful performances over the past two days, but unfortunately haven’t had time to see everyone yet!

Therefore, there will be a third day of auditions, on Monday at lunchtime, for pupils still wishing to enter the talent show.


Community Police Visit

Today, Leanne and Connor from the Community Police popped in to the school for a visit. In the gallery, you can see P5 learning all about anti-social behaviour.  Leanne and Connor did a great job of explaining to our children what anti-social behaviour is and how they deal with it as part of their day to day jobs.

The pupils also got a chance to look at the protective equipment that is used by the police force and some unlucky pupils even found themselves in handcuffs!


Well done Emma!


We would like to say a huge congratulations to Emma, who was awarded a Highly Commended certificate for her entry into the North Lanarkshire Council Road Safety Calendar Competition.

The competition has been running for over twenty years, with literally thousands of pupils taking part each year; meaning that picking up an award is an extra special achievement!

We are very proud of you Emma…great job!


Scottish Assembly

As you will know, our pupils have recently been learning Scots poetry in class and at home as part of our annual Scottish Verse Speaking Competition. Today, we held our Scottish Assembly, where our pupils who had finished 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their class were presented with certificates in front of the whole school and invited guests.

Our competition winners performed their poems on stage to a jam-packed gym hall, and they were absolutely superb. Following the wonderful poetry recital, we were treated to a highland sword dance by two of our pupils, which was spectacular!

Congratulations to all of our winner, and to every pupil who competed in our Verse Speaking Competition – the standard of the performances was higher than ever!

Many thanks as well to all of our families who supported their children at home, taking the time to practice and get all of those tricky words just right!


Did you know?

Our School and House Captains have been busy organising a talent show for one of our upcoming school assemblies.

Auditions will be held at lunch-time on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Good luck to all involved!


School Handbook 2017/18

The School Handbook for the 2017/18 session can now be downloaded from the File Store.


P.E. Days

If you are unsure of your child’s indoor and outdoor P.E. days, this information can be downloaded from the File Store.


Princess Cinderella

This morning at assembly time, our pupils were met with a wonderful surprise!  Instead of our normal Wednesday assembly, the boys and girls from P1-P7 got together with the children from All Saints Primary to enjoy a magical, hilarious performance of Cinderella!

What a terrific way for our campus family to start the New Year together…

Oh yes it was!


Nursery Newsletter

The Nursery Newsletter for January can now be downloaded from the Newsletter page.


Parent Council Meeting Minutes

The Minutes from the November meeting of the Parent Council can be downloaded from the Parent Council page of the website.


Christmas Update Letter

The Christmas Update, issued on the last week of Term 2, is available to download from the Newsletter page.

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