Author Archives: Miss Hawthorn

Christmas Fayre

We are so excited about the Christmas Fayre. This week all of the classes in our school will be pitching their class enterprise ideas tot he Dragons! Check us out on Twitter to follow the fun.

Our Christmas Fayre is the ideal opportunity for you to purchase some unique gifts for your loved ones.

Come along and enjoy the festive fun!

Ban the hunt!

Our P7 class are using their Taught Writing lessons to persuade the government to listen to the voice of the nation and ban fox hunting. We have been amazed at the effort and talented pieces of work written independently. This super girl brought her work to show Mrs. Hawthorn and it had to be shared with a wider audience. Click on the link to be well and truly amazed!

Thank you for using your voice to help those who need your support. Great job P7!

Fox Hunting

Meet the Teacher Feedback

It was great to see so many friendly faces at our first school event of the year, Meet the Teacher. This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to see our school and meet the whole team. Thank you to everyone who came along to support the evening, even though the weather was against us!

We always aim to improve and are keen to get your feedback at EVERY event (as many of you know!) Thank you for leaving us your sticky note comments.

Click on the link to see the feedback.


Charitable Classes

Every year our school aims to support a mixture of Local, National and International charities. This was a very popular choice from our initial home learning grid. Thank you to everyone who discussed different charities at home for our classes to consider.

Mrs Simpson collated all of the choices and made a super handy leaflet with all of the chosen charities for the year. It’s going to be fun seeing what every class comes up with to raise funds to send. We will keep you posted nearer to the time.

Click on the link below for a digital copy of the letter.

Charity notice

Primary 1 Transition Feedback

Our new Primary 1 pupils have settled well in to their first year at school. Every day they impress us with their manners, learning and achievements. We are so lucky to have such wonderful additions to our school.

We are very keen to get feedback about our transition process from Nursery to Primary. At the beginning of the year we asked all P1 parents and carers to fill in a quick survey to help us improve our transition process.

Thank you to everyone who took time to give us feedback, we appreciate all of your comments. Attached is a copy of our findings.

Transition Questionaire P1 Feedback August 17-18

Transition Questionaire August P1 Feedback 17-18 page 2