Primary 1

Miss Purdon had a wonderful Golden Book session in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2.  They enthusiastically shared their narrative stories from Writing Lessons and gave a comprehensive tour around the room to demonstrate all things play!

Here is an image of the Golden Book record for October 2023:

Miss R had a great time with some Primary 1/2 Golden Booker-ers! They couldn’t wait to share all of their measurement knowledge, teaching Miss R when to use millilitres and when to use centimetres. They also shared their recent success at the Christmas Fayre, selling lots of their handmade, festive salt dough decorations. Miss R is SO impressed with all of your hard work!

Golden Book P1-2 1
Golden Book P1-2 2


Miss R just LOVED being with Primary 1 for Golden Book! They were so excited to tell her that they have learned the whole alphabet and can now read lots of words. They also helped her sort out her purse as they shared their knowledge of money. Amazing work!

Golden Book Primary 1 Page 1

Golden Book Primary 1 Page 2