Primary 4/3 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 21, 2020
by J Taylor

A Time to Reflect …

Good morning everyone!

I cannot believe it’s the final week and we only have three more days left of the term and academic year!

The focus this week is to reflect on your time in P3/4 and on your time at home. I have included some photos of your time in P3/4 to help you remember. I hope you enjoy looking back at just some of the many memories you have made!

I have set some reflection tasks below for you to work on throughout the week. There will be no new spelling or maths tasks.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for working so hard this year. You truly have been a wonderful class to teach! I have emailed you all with a special printable gift as a thank you.

It has been a very unusual end to the academic year and I couldn’t end this post without giving a big thank you to all your parents and guardians for all their efforts and filling my shoes for the last few weeks!

I look forward to seeing you all in August and I hope you all have a fantastic summer!

Miss Taylor 🙂

end of the year

lockdown memories

end of the year booklet

June 12, 2020
by J Taylor

Monday 15th June

Morning everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Please see this weeks suggested learning tasks. Its a special week this week as Ladywell will be taking part in sports WEEK! See below for more details.

I will be working at the Motherwell Hub this week so may be a little longer in replying to your work but rest assured I will make a little comment when I can so please keep sharing! If you have any questions just ask!

Miss Taylor 🙂

Monday 15th June

Full stops and capital letters

capital letter and full stops task


maths activity sheet carroll

Ladywell Sports Week

am sound

scottish posters

June 7, 2020
by J Taylor

Monday 8th June

Morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Please see this week suggested learning activities.

A very big thank you to everyone working so hard and sharing their work over on the teams – it really is great to see your enthusiasm and hard work so once again thank you!

Miss Taylor.

Monday 8th June.

non fiction tasks

Grammar (Blue group if you could attempt the three star sheet)

gn sound

venn diagram sheet

Health and well-being grid will be posted on teams


June 2, 2020
by J Taylor

Creative writing

Morning everyone,

For this weeks writing activity, sticking with our topic theme of Scottish inventors, I would like you to invent a new animal and describe what it looks like, what it sounds like, where it lives, how it moves, and what it eats.

To come up with the shape of your animal you can;

  • Fold a piece of paper in half and on the fold line write your name.
  • Cut around the outside shape of your name.
  • Open your name and you will have a shape based on your letters.
  • Colour and design your shape into an animal.
  • Glue your finished animal to a piece of paper.

To begin your creative writing open with a descriptive paragraph, including lots of adjectives describing what the animal looks like. What is the size of your animal? The colour? What is the fur like? How many legs does it have? Are there any unusual features? Remember this is your invention be as creative as you like!

If you want to challenge yourself and increase your word count go on to describe an adventure that your animal has. Perhaps there is a reason why your animal has been invented – explain this in your writing. Or perhaps the invention goes wrong and your animal starts to turn on their inventor and the rest of the world!

You could use the following opening sentence or make up your own;

There once lived a very peculiar animal called a ______.

Please remember your core writing targets;

Capital letters and full stops

Finger spaces and neat handwriting

STAR WRITER – I will be awarding star writer with a certificate!

I look forward to reading all about your animal inventions!

Miss Taylor 🙂

May 31, 2020
by J Taylor

Monday 1st June

Morning everyone,

Can you believe it, the first of June already!

I hope you are all doing well and have been enjoying the beautiful weather 🙂

Please find this weeks tasks below.

As always daily, optional tasks will be set over on the P3/4 team and Sumdog competitions have been set that close this Friday.

On Thursday there will be a new writing lesson posted here on the blog.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that you may have. If you are finding that you are running low on resources such as colouring sheets, keeping busy tasks, math sums etc please contact me and I can email over some suggested materials.

Another week – we can do this!

Miss Taylor 🙂

Monday 1st June…

commas in a list

Commas in a list activity

bar chart

blank bar chart

James Watt


May 28, 2020
by J Taylor

Taught Writing Lesson

Instructional Writing – The Disgusting Sandwich

Write instructions on how to make a disgusting sandwich; think what horrible ingredients you could include! Include lots of adjectives in your writing – describing your ingredients in great detail.

Share your recipes on teams and draw a picture once you have finished.
Remember to include imperative verbs (bossy words) such as cut, put and tear.


See the source image

May 26, 2020
by J Taylor

Health and Wellbeing – Heartstart

For this weeks Health and Wellbeing task we are going to look at some content that we would have covered in term 4 ,if we were in school,  from the Heartstart programme.

The P3s and P4s would have covered different topics, please see below:

P3 – The Unconscious Casualty

Please explore the following website ensuring you know the steps to offer an unresponsive and breathing casualty –  Shouting for help, opening the airway and the recovery position.

P4 – Serious Bleeding

Please explore the following website ensuring you know how to deal with serious bleeding focusing on applying pressure and elevation. 

Drama Role

Once you have the knowledge practise out your new first aid skills with a family member in a drama scenario. Good Luck! First aid is such an important life skill you never know when you will need it!



May 26, 2020
by J Taylor

Tuesday 26th May

Morning everyone,

I hope you all had a great long weekend!

Please see this weeks tasks that I have set for the remaining four days.

As always I will post more challenges over on the teams, set sumdog competitions and I will be setting a new writing task on Thursday.

Let me know how you get on with tasks over on teams, I am loving seeing all your hard work! Keep it up P3/4 you’re doing fantastic!

Miss Taylor

Tuesday 26th May

Homophone Task homophones

Eid Powerpoint and card example eid card example    eid

Measuring capacity 2 volume

 alexander fleming.pdf 2

May 19, 2020
by J Taylor

Wildlife Garden Poem

Morning everyone,

For this weeks writing task I would like you to focus on writing a poem.

Many famous authors and poets have found their inspiration in nature, now it’s your turn to use the natural world.

  1. Go outside into the natural world, either on a visit or a nature walk or just spend some time in your garden.
  2. Take some time to look, listen and experience the nature around you
  3. Write a poem of your experience. Include what you can see, taste, hear, feel and touch. Try to make your poem rhyme.
  4. Don’t forget to share your poem when you have completed the activity!

Here is an example of a wildlife poem;

May 18, 2020
by J Taylor

Monday 18th May

Morning all,

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend.

A busy week for home schooling this week. It is both Mental Heath awareness week and Thursday brings Outdoor Classroom day. I have completed suggested activities for the week, please complete and share work on the teams.

If I have not heard from you so far I will be sending out a little catch up email over on glow just to see how you are all doing, please reply to let me know you have received the email.

There will be more activities set over the course of the week on teams so please keep an eye out for updates.


Miss Taylor 🙂

Monday 18th May

Grammar Tasks

Speech mark powerpoint

Using Speech Punctuation Practise in Independent Writing

Maths Tasks

Weight Maths Poster

Red group Maths 2

Blue group maths


Alexander Graham Bell BLUE

Alexander Graham Bell RED

Red group literacy

ed sound red group


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