Continue to practise CVC 3 letter words from the Sounds and Phoneme Spelling post below.
Sunflowers, Daisies and Buttercups
Fancy spell, get someone at home to give you a spelling test or/and write each word into a sentence. Can you think of anymore to add to the lists
au – because, sauce, pause
ew – drew, flew, chew, grew
ow – owl, brown, crown, allow
word problems home learning
We hope you are managing to keep yourselves busy and active. Has anyone managed to make a rocket yet? I (Mrs Carton) had a go at this challenge with my 2 children who are 3 and 5, there wasn’t too much mess! We used empty juice bottles, yoghurt tubs, paint and sellotape and they looked pretty good! I’ll try and upload a photo soon to let you all see. We’ve added some maths word problems to get you thinking this week. Try using objects from around the house or draw a picture to help you solve them.
For access to new reading books:
www.oxfordowl.co.uk – just register for free
For children in The Poppies Group
The Buttercups and The Daisies
The Sunflowers
We hope all of the below links and suggestions help. Each week we will post more precise details of each group’s learning.
Miss Steel and Mrs Carton
Home Learning Timetable
Sumdog – Use login details
Nrich – https://nrich.maths.org/primary
Topmarks – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/mathsgames
Timestable Rockstars – https://ttrockstars.com
Manga High – https://www.mangahigh.com/en-gb/
ScratchJr – Available as a free app
Literacy and Personal Reading
You tube: Phonics with Geraldine the Giraffe
Teach Your Monster to Read – use login details
Choose your own reading books
500 word stories – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/KNWsKPrg7stQ54tTbcf6P7/500-words-the- stories
You tube – Children’s books read aloud
Twinkl – Search for books
Fun English Games – http://www.funenglishgames.com/
General Online Resources
Doorway Online – https://www.doorwayonline.org.uk
Crickweb – http://www.crickweb.co.uk/
Twinkl – https://www.twinkl.co.uk
Other Areas
Health for Kids – https://www.healthforkids.co.uk/staying-healthy/
Science – https://wowscience.co.uk/
Art: https://www.tate.org.uk/kids
French and Spanish – https://www.duolingo.com/learn
It is important to participate in daily physical activities especially in the current circumstances.
You tube: Go Noodle (cool dance moves to current pop songs)
You tube: Jump Start Johnny
You tube: PE with Joe Wicks
Practise a sport in your garden: football, tennis, trampolining
Set up an obstacle course in your back garden.
You tube: Pop Sugar Family Fitness Video
You tube: Zumba for children
You tube: Yoga for children
Do some gardening.
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Miss Steel and Mrs Carton