Here is our new home learning sheet for the last term. Paper copies of these will be out in bags tonight. Homelearning sheet Term 4
April 28, 2017
by User deactivated
April 28, 2017
by User deactivated
Here is our new home learning sheet for the last term. Paper copies of these will be out in bags tonight. Homelearning sheet Term 4
April 24, 2017
by User deactivated
During our maths lesson on money last week, one of our tasks was to find the total price of the ingredients to make smoothies. So today we thought we would try out this task in real life. We walked to … Continue reading
March 28, 2017
by User deactivated
In P5/6/7LCSC today, we were making pizza to help us with our work on fractions. Once it was cooked, we cut the pizza into slices and worked out how many quarters were in a half, how many eighths are in … Continue reading
March 21, 2017
by User deactivated
In Primary 5/6/7LCSC, we have been working on rotational symmetry. Firstly we looked at rotational symmetry around us……..did you know there are lots of examples of rotational symmetry around you every day that we probably don’t realise. We created our … Continue reading
March 15, 2017
by Mrs Weir
Today the pupils in Primary 5 carried out some real life Data Handling of their own. They asked all classes which type of smoothies people would be interested in buying this Friday when the Fairtrade Pupil Voice Group will be … Continue reading
March 10, 2017
by Mrs Johnstone
Primary 3 have been learning how to measure in metres and centimetres. This morning we went out into the playground to use a trundle wheel. We ensued the trundle wheel to find out how tall some dinosaurs were. We even … Continue reading
March 8, 2017
by Mrs Weir
What a busy day we had in class today! We worked on Data Handling and used Carroll Diagrams to sort Data. We also had visitors from Primary 1 who came to show us their super posters telling us about how … Continue reading
March 8, 2017
by Mrs Johnstone
In P3 we are all developing our ICT skills when using the laptops to log in to our Active Learn accounts. We enjoy practising our maths and numeracy skills through a variety of different games. Lewis – My favourite game … Continue reading
March 7, 2017
by Mrs Weir
We have been learning about Roman Numerals this week. We wateched a power point about them and how they are made up and what they look like. we made clocks using the Roman numerals 1-12. Today in class, pupils had … Continue reading
February 23, 2017
by User deactivated
We have been looking at symmetry and identifying it in our surroundings. We have created our own symmetrical pictures, identified lines of symmetry and completed symmetrical patterns.