Today we were learning about how to use coloured paint to create patterns on 2D egg shapes. It was fun. Look at what happened.
April 18, 2017
by Mrs Kent
April 18, 2017
by Mrs Kent
Today we were learning about how to use coloured paint to create patterns on 2D egg shapes. It was fun. Look at what happened.
March 31, 2017
by Mrs Weir
I can’t quite believe it’s the last day of term before Easter holidays. It’s been such a fun, busy term. Today in school we attended our Pupil Voice Groups and had also had the opportunity to watch the Nursery children … Continue reading
March 31, 2017
by Mrs Johnstone
Primary 2 and 3 worked so well together creating these very cool Easter bunny cards. Some of the bunnies are ready for some springtime sunshine with their sunglasses on! Happy Easter from Mrs McGuire, Mrs Johnstone, P2 and P3!
March 29, 2017
by Mrs Johnstone
Primary 4 learned how to say ‘Happy Easter’ in French this afternoon. The boys and girls then designed fantastic cards displaying the message, ‘Joyeuses Pâques’ for family/friends. Here are some photos of the children working hard on their designs.