We identified traits and actions which make a good friend and talked about how we like to be treated. We also identified actions which are not so kind, making not such good friends.
August 23, 2017
by User deactivated
August 23, 2017
by User deactivated
We identified traits and actions which make a good friend and talked about how we like to be treated. We also identified actions which are not so kind, making not such good friends.
August 23, 2017
by User deactivated
This week we were in the hall displaying different ways of moving and travelling, we even showed ways in which Superheroes move – running, sprinting, flying, swinging….
August 22, 2017
by Mrs Weir
This afternoon P4 & P5 worked together in Literacy when looking at the text we will be using in class for our modelling block. The book is called Awful Auntie and we looked together at the title, author and blurb … Continue reading
August 18, 2017
by Mrs Weir
our new P5 pupils have settled in well. We have spent time over the last 2 days finding out more about each other and completing some fun activities. Today we used Go Noodle and had some fun taking part in … Continue reading
August 17, 2017
by User deactivated
Today was our first day in our new Primary 3/4L classroom. We shared our news from our holidays, played in the sunshine with bubbles, made new friends and worked on activities linked to our Superhero theme. Our favourite activities were … Continue reading
June 27, 2017
by User deactivated
Primary 5/6/7LCSC were out treating themselves to lunch at the cafe today. This gave the pupils to consolidate all the social skills and maths knowledge they had been working on over the last few months. We really enjoyed the variety … Continue reading
June 25, 2017
by User deactivated
Primary 5/6/7LCSC had 2 very confident pupils entering the Orchard Primary Lip Sync Battle on Friday. The boys took on Bruno Mars and Bars and Melody hits and both rocked the stage! A highlight of the afternoon was definitely the … Continue reading
June 25, 2017
by User deactivated
Here are our award winners from our BNF Healthy Eating Week 2017. As well as the 5 challenges (eat a breakfast, eat 5 a day, drink plenty, get active, try something new), during their PE time the pupils were set … Continue reading
June 18, 2017
by User deactivated
During the British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week 2017 3 of the 5 challenges were to drink plenty, eat 5 a day and try something new. In P5/6/7 LCSC we thought we could take on all these challenges in one … Continue reading
June 18, 2017
by User deactivated
On Friday we held our first ever sports day! In the morning, Nursery and Primary 1’s and 2’s from mainstream and LCSC took part in a Highland Games themed sports. They competed in sports such as hurlin’ the wellie, tattie … Continue reading