Tag Archives: Lockdown 2020

Big Dreams on Screen

A competition open to anyone between 7-12 years old.

Another competition from Into Film, this time with Puffin Books.

This competition aims to inspire young people to think about their dreams and how they can share them with the world. To enter, young people must storyboard their dream, whether it’s based on their personal goals, an extraordinary idea or even their favourite Puffin book. Above all, the judges will be looking for imagination and creativity! The competition is open for those aged 7-12 years, and entries are open until 3 August 2020.

More details here

Into Film – lists of films

Into Film are an organisation for promoting film education to young people.  

During the coronavirus lockdown, IntoFilm are promoting a number of films available for free, free to stream or available via subscription services, and are also linking to activities related to those films.

The list is updated weekly so if you love film, it’s worth keeping an eye on.


And don’t forget Into Film’s Review Competition – more details here.

BBC Schedule

The BBC Scotland channel is showing educational programmes for the Scottish curriculum every morning, including Bitesize clips for primary and secondary and Authors Live.

You can get all the programmes and the television schedule here


There are plenty of other BBC programmes for English, Welsh and Northern Irish education  that you might also find useful.



Free eBook: The Book of Hopes

The Book of Hopes: words and pictures to comfort, inspire and entertain children in Lockdown

This is a collection of stories, poems and illustrations from over 100 children’s authors and illustrators.

The Book of Hopes aims to comfort, inspire and encourage children during lockdown through delight, new ideas, ridiculous jokes and heroic tales. There are true accounts of cats and hares and plastic-devouring caterpillars; there are doodles and flowers; revolting poems and beautiful poems; and there are stories of space travel and new shoes and dragons.


The book has been published online or free. To read it, please click on the link below


Royal Society Science at Home

The Royal Society have put together a collection of materials suitable for Science at Home for Primary and Secondary pupils, including 16+.

There are links to their own resources and other scientific bodies, including videos and ideas for experiments, as well as a range of STEM activities (Science, Technical, Engineering and Maths).
