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Review sites

If you see a book you’d like to read, and the Library doesn’t have a copy already, please speak to Mrs Macfadyen about adding a request.

LoveReading4Kids – Reviews by young people

YAK Books – Try the Bookchooser questionnaire to get ideas plus loads of other reviews to check through.

Achuka – Up to date information about new books, interviews with authors and reviews.

Literature Map – Type in an author’s name and this site will suggest others you might like.

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Best books lists

Many organisations have created lists of recommended books.

Sometimes the public is asked to vote, sometimes the organisers invite their own judges.

Here are some of them.

The Big Read (BBC, 2003) – 100 books selected by public vote.

The 100 best books of the 21st century (The Guardian, 2019) – Guardian selection of all genres.

100 must-read classic books, as chosen by our readers (Penguin, 2021)

Time Magazine’s All-Time 100 Novels (1923-2005)

100 books to read before you die: creating the ultimate list

100 Novels That Shaped Our World (BBC, 2019)

100 best children’s books (BookTrust, 2015)

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