
How to find what you’re looking for

Find useful resources and links by browsing through the menus or type a relevant word into a search box.

This section will always be a work in progress as the world changes and the curriculum adapts.

There are three menus:

  • Subject resources
  • Interdisciplinary resources
  •  Tools for creativity
Subject resources

These links guide users to pages which are specifically useful to the curriculum of a particular faculty. Just click on the links to guide you where you want to go e.g. S2 Social Subjects or Nat 5 Hospitality.

Interdisciplinary links

These links cover websites that are useful for several subjects and IDL projects including atlases, academic journals and issues for discussion.

There are also hundreds of pages of useful links on various subjects, too many to list, so it’s worth typing a word into the search box to see if anything appears.

Tools for creativity

Audio-visual tools and guidance for research. It’s also worth checking the Information Literacy menu.

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