Chewing gum survey

Surveys are an important tool for Social Subjects. A survey can help show how people feel about particular issues. However, a survey does not show how much people know about an issue. If you are using a survey as evidence, try to back it up with additional information.


Do we have a problem with chewing gum in our school?

Pupils will work in teams to investigate the problem of old chewing gum and try to identify some solutions. We will conduct two surveys to help with evidence.
Survey 1: opinion
Survey 2: evidence
  1. Think about your best “chewing gum” story and share it with the rest of the class.
  2. The class will split in two: one group will investigate chewing gum information and the other will investigate the chewing gum evidence and then swap over.
  • How can chewing gum be cleaned up? From the streets/from clothes/from walls and desks
  • Why is chewing gum banned in Singapore?
  • What is Chicza gum?
  • What are gummy bins
  • How much gum is stuck under the chairs and tables?
  • How can we use this number to estimate the amount in the whole school?
  • If costs about 10p to clean up every bit of gum. How much will it cost to clean up the school?
Useful links

Councils urge chewing gum firms to aid street clean-up

Chicza gum

Skills used in this investigation
  • Teamwork
  • Information literacy: using and evaluating sources; search skills: keywords, scanning, keyboard shortcuts; note taking.
  • Numeracy
Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes
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