Letter Play

Some Home Link Ideas

Having letters available for your child to play with is a great idea.   Children will explore the different letters, perhaps try and match them or make words with them.  They will learn lots on their own about the different shapes of the letters. If you are buying letters choose the lowercase ones first. You don’t have to buy them though, you could write letters on cards or stick them onto blocks or cars or anything else you have available.

Children naturally enjoy matching and sorting letters. If your child is interested, you can talk about the different names and sounds of the letters e.g. that is the letter M it makes the sound mmmm. Children will learn much better through natural play and talk. This month we have been busy making play dough letter shapes and lacing letters.

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Literacy Work in Nursery

We have continued to grow in confidence when reciting and performing rhymes here are some of us reciting Incy Wincey Spider, Pat –A-Cake, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How Much Is That Doggie in the Window, Bah, Bah Black Sheep, Horsey Horsey and Two Little Dickie Birds. Thank you for encouraging your child to select a toy or prop from home. As you can see rhymes are recited indoors and outdoors, the tunnel is Incy’s spout, and the cakes are mud pies. We loved listening to all of you, well done.

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Mother’s Day Rhyme

We spent time this week creating a Mother’s Day Rhyme to share with you. Below you can see us using craft activities and group discussion to share ideas about the rhyme.

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Happy Mother’s Day Rhyme

To the tune of Frere Jaques.

Created for special mums everywhere by the staff and children of New Monkland Nursery.

Mum you’re special

Mum you’re special

I love you

I love you

Come and have a cuddle

Come and have a kiss

Just like this

Just like this

One Reply to “Letter Play”

  1. Looks like everyone is having great fun! Roary loves learning new rhymes and using actions and props. Incy Wincy Spider is his absolute favourite! Performing it to his friends in nursery has really brought his confidence on.
    Really enjoyed listening to him recite the mothers day rhyme !

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