Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

January 12, 2021
by User deactivated

Circle Numeracy – 12th January

Start off with recall of your tables. Go to Topmarks Hit the Button. Today I want you to focus on your 2x 5x and 10x tables. Do this activity for 15 minutes maximum.

Next write out your 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Ask an adult to check. Did you get them all correct. Write out your tables neatly in your jotter.

Next task – recognising coins and notes. Then counting amounts up to £1.

Next Let’s go to our interactive lesson. Log on to twinkl go and put this code in MH9621

Access this lesson using pin code: MH9621
at Twinkl Go

Sharing will expire in 56 days

You do not have to upload any answers or print any worksheets everything is interactive for you today.

January 12, 2021
by User deactivated

Literacy Reading Task 12th January

Curriculum for Excellence requires pupils to learn about the Scots language. For the next two weeks we will focus on reading tasks around the Scots language. I have chosen this time to focus on this aspect of literacy because we will be celebrating Robert Burns on the 25th of January.

Please read the following information

All about the Scots Language All about the Scots Language

Now try to complete the attached worksheet. You don’t need to print it. You could just copy it out into your jotter. When complete upload to Teams assignment Literacy Task 12th January or email me direct.

Scots Matching word activity


January 12, 2021
by User deactivated

Spelling Tasks 12th January

Lollipops and Candy Groups

We are starting a new phoneme family today. The family of K

Phoneme Family k chart

Look at this chart and copy it in to your jotter or on to paper.  Add as many words as you can to each column in 10 minutes. Please do not go for terribly easy words like can or duck! Remember to write neatly in each column leaving space below each word. We will be returning to the chart later in the week to do our diacritical marking.

Choose 5 words from across the columns to use in sentences. Remember to check your sentences for correct punctuation.

Once you have completed this task upload to the Team area – Spelling 12th January or email me direct on

Cookie Group

We are focusing on common words.

Your words for the week are:

 because   friend     family

A good way to learn how to spell some words is to make up little stories about them.

big elephants can’t always understand small elephants

b   e            c             a         u                   s          e = because

Another way is to write the word out again and again until you remember it.

Read the word, Say the word, Cover the word, Write the word and then Check the word.

Ask and adult to check your spelling then choose one of the words to write in a sentence. Remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and end in a full stop.


January 12, 2021
by User deactivated

Science – 12th January

Today I want you to watch some videos on a process called Changing States.

You don’t have to download anything today it is all interactive.

The first video is available here. Enter this code MH3274

You may watch the video clips as often as you wish. The interactive book has some simple experiments for you to try out. You don’t have to write out the table just have a go at the activities.

Access this lesson using pin code: MH3274
at Twinkl Go

Sharing will expire in 56 days

January 11, 2021
by User deactivated

Circles Numeracy 11th January -reposted from Teams

First of all, let’s do some recall of our times table. In class before the holidays we were practising our recall of our multiplication tables. This is a very important skill and something we need to focus on. Log on to Topmarks on link below.
Next let’s look at our new numeracy topic – money! This is an interactive activity. You need to go to twinkl go. Please use the link below and enter the code MH5316
code is MH5316

January 11, 2021
by User deactivated

Triangles Numeracy 11th January – reposted from Teams

Let’s start with a recall of some basic facts. Log on to TopMarks using the link below. You should should times table and focus on 3x and 6x tables. do this task for a max. of 15 minutes. Next you are going to revise some previous learning from Primary 4 on money. The task asks you to use a set number of coins to make up an amount. You may wish to use some real coins to help you add the amounts or you may wish do do mentally. You need to draw the coins neatly. You don’t need to download the sheet to complete the task, you can just write out the answers neatly on paper or in your jotter. Your jotters are available for pick up from school. Post your answers in teams. or email me directly on

January 11, 2021
by User deactivated

Squares – Numeracy Tasks 11th January – reposted from Teams

Start with a recall activity. Log on to TopMarks using the link below. Spend 15 minutes max. on this task. Choose times table button. Please focus on 4x,6x and 7x tables. Next do some mental agility tasks. I have attached a money problem solving sheet. Complete using your mental skills. Finally complete the written problem solving task. Think about what combination or amounts you can use. You are using your multiplication and addition knowledge.

Mental money Squares

Squares Money Task – revision

January 11, 2021
by User deactivated

HWB-Literacy Task – reposted from Teams

I have attached the assignment to this post. Some children have their jotters at home and I would suggest you write out your work in that. If you haven’t got your jotters yet just write out on paper.  Once you have completed the task, try to upload it to the Teams area or email me direct on

Please remember when you are asked about your feelings or opinions you can not be wrong!

HWB and Literacy Task



January 11, 2021
by User deactivated

RE – Learning about a Mosque

I’m uploading this work here as well as Teams in the hope that you are able to access. This work is part of our RE programme learning about world faiths. It is important to learn about and respect other beliefs. This task also has a literacy link as the children have to read the powerpoint. I will post an activity attached to this work later in the week.

t-re-005-places-of-worship-muslim-mosques-ks1-powerpoint-_ver_2 (1)

January 11, 2021
by User deactivated

Good Morning Primary 5. 11th January 2021

Dear Parents, Guardians and children,

Welcome to school. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas break. School for everyone starts today. We are in a good place to take this forward. We used Teams and Glow during the last lockdown. The homework set over the last term had many online links and when you completed these tasks, such as logging on to Oxford Reading, you were preparing for this type of learning. Below this post are three others with information for your parents or the adult supervising. Please ask them to read them when they can.

Here is a suggested timetable for week beg. 11th January 2021.

I will upload curricular tasks throughout the day on Teams. If your child has completed all set tasks, you may wish to direct them to the NL Virtual Classroom. I understand Mr McCloskey sent this information to you via email. This week I ask that you check your child can ask the virtual classroom and allow them to explore the different areas.  There are also additional learning resources available via the BBC. I attached a timetable to a previous post.

Day/Time 9.00-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00
Monday Registration/General task

Daily Numeracy Tasks

Break from online – read a book HWB-Literacy Task online PE with Joe Wicks Lunch RE – Literacy Online learning Log on to NL Virtual Classroom and explore
Tuesday Registration/General task

Daily Numeracy Tasks

Spelling task – no computer use. Literacy Online learning PE – with Joe Wicks or play outside Lunch Science Online learning Log on to NL Virtual Classroom and explore
Wednesday Registration/General task

Daily Numeracy Tasks

Spelling task – no computer use. Literacy Online learning PE – with Joe Wicks or play outside Lunch Science Online learning BBC Learning Channel
Thursday Registration/General task

Daily Numeracy Tasks

Spelling task – no computer use. Literacy Online learning PE – with Joe Wicks or play outside Lunch Science Online learning BBC Learning Channel

Suggested Timetable for week beg

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