Listed below are the details of the normal school day at Mossend Primary School and Nursery Class.
We would ask that parents/guardians ensure that the school office has up to date contact information for your child(s) should we ever be required to contact you during the school day.
The establishment is open Monday to Friday.
8.50am – 2.50pm
School Starts: 8.50am
Break: 10.20am – 10.35am
Lunch: 12.15pm – 1.00pm
School Ends: 2.50pm
School Starts: 9.00am
Break: 10.40am – 10.55am
Lunch: 12.35pm – 1.20pm
School Ends: 3.00pm
In the event that the school cannot open for any reason, such as inclement weather, then we will endeavour to notify you as quickly as possible for arrangements to be made. Our primary form of communication is via email or SMS notification; however, the information could also be posted on our Twitter account.
Digital Content is available to access in these events.