Category Archives: Social Studies

Romans Trip

We went to Motherwell Heritage Centre to learn more about our Romans topic. Our guide, Hugh taught us a lot about the Romans in Britain and the many things they introduced which are still in use today. We also learned about how they bathed, ate and lived.

Did you know?….there are remains of Roman baths at Strathclyde Park and that Hadrians wall was built by the Romans!?

In the afternoon we got to try on Roman soldier armour and hold a sword which was so heavy that some of us thought we were going to collapse!

We all had a great day and learned a lot! Take a look at some of our photos below.

The Scottish Parliament!

Today, Mrs Thomson gave the class a task! Mrs Thomson sent us all in groups to make a poster of all the parties like “SNP, Scottish Conservitives, Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Green Party”. We had to draw the Logo of the Parties and find the “Key Policies” I really enjoyed doing this task, can’t wait to learn more!

Theresa Breslin visits KOS!

On Friday 23 March, we were very lucky to have a visit from excellent author, Theresa Breslin. P5, 6 and 7 took part in a talk with Theresa who spoke about her books, where she got her inspiration from and gave tips for writing interesting stories. It was a brilliant afternoon. Please leave your comments below to tell everyone what you thought of the visit. Here are some pictures –