Vision, Values & Aims

Our Vision

“With kind hearts and willing hands, we can all achieve our dreams!”

Our Values

K -Kindness

I– Independence

R– Respect

K– Knowledge

O– Obedience

S– Self Control

H– Honesty

O– Openness

T– Trust

T– Tolerance

S– Skills

Our Aims

To provide high quality teaching and learning experiences that foster SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS who attain well, particularly in literacy and numeracy.

 To provide a positive and nurturing environment where children can develop resilience and become CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS who are able to cope with life choices and challenges.

 To provide equal opportunities for all children to develop an understanding of the world they live in and become RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS who look after themselves, each other and their community.

 To provide opportunities for children to develop an enterprising attitude and skills that enable them to work well in different teams to solve problems and become EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTORS to society.


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With kind hearts and willing hands, we can all achieve our dreams

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