Golden Achievements

Download your Golden Achievement form here

We love to celebrate pupil achievements here at Kirkshaws. We realise the importance of recognising individual efforts and goals in order to motivate our pupils to try new things, as well as watching our learners understanding the importance of working hard and persevering at something in order to succeed. This ethos promotes lifelong skills for life and work, as well as skills for learning. We continue to encourage our pupils to be Successful Learners, Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors and Confident Individuals.

Achievements may:

  •  contribute to the ethos and life of the school or wider community
  •  show personal effort in a range of curricular areas as well as subjects beyond the school curriculum
  •  enhance learning by applying skills in a real-life context
  •  demonstrate personal accomplishments

This year, we are putting a greater emphasis on the importance of learning beyond the classroom.  If your child has an achievement from outside school that they would like to share with us, a Golden Achievement form  should be taken home, discussed and completed alongside an adult and then returned by your child to their class teacher. If your child has been particularly busy and you require additional forms, you can collect them from the school office or download and print a copy here. Your child will then have their achievement added to the Head Teacher’s Gold Book and the Golden Achievement Wall, plus they will also have the opportunity to share this at Assembly, if they wish. Your child will earn valuable House Points too!  As always, we would love to see any certificates, medals, photographs, etc.  We will continue to share these achievements on Twitter and are looking at opportunities to make use of the local press more too.

Nomination Forms can be brought into school any day, but we will continue to hold our Celebration Assemblies on a Friday, so that’s the best day to bring in trophies, medals, etc.