Outdoor P.E. timetable

Details of class P.E. days is attached below and also in the updated “Classes” section of the school app.  The timetable begins next week (w/b 24th Aug). Current guidelines mean all P.E. lessons will be taken outside so pupils should come to school dressed in their OUTDOOR P.E. kit on P.E. days. No football colours should be worn.  They should also bring suitable footwear and a jacket so they are

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Kirkshaws Goes Live!

We have exciting news to share! To celebrate Health Week together as a school we have planned to use the video function within Teams to bring some Kirkshaws Live Lessons into the comfort of your own house.  This is the first time we will be trying out this technology but our staff are very excited in sharing some learning experiences with our pupils and further increasing our communication with families.

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P1 Transition Virtual Tour videos

Unfortunately, due to the school closures, new P1 pupils who are planning to join our school next session cannot get the chance to visit our school.  However, every Monday for the coming weeks, we will upload some videos to our app, Twitter and website to give the pupils and their families a Virtual Tour of Kirkshaws! We hope this provides at least a little flavour of what life and learning

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