Dear Parent/Carer Just a little reminder that we are a NUT FREE school and nursery.  Children should not bring anything to school or nursery containing nut products. This includes Nutella/Bueno snacks. In the interest of safety, we really do appreciate your continued support in this as we safeguard members of our school community with life threatening allergies. Kind Regards, Debbie McGarry Principal Teacher 

ASDA Cashpot

Parent Council Update: Asda: Cashpot for Schools  We are delighted to let you know that Kirkshaws Primary and Nursery School has signed up for the new Asda Cashpot for schools initiative 💚 You can donate as you shop with no extra cost or impact to your own Asda rewards balance!!  Asda make the contributions based on what we spend. It is really easy to set up too! You just scan the

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School Uniform Update

The following letter was emailed out to all school parents Dear Parent/Carer, We’ve received a few queries about school uniform since Friday, so I wanted to clarify what was discussed at assembly. The message delivered was as I emailed home on the 30th August. At Kirkshaws Primary School, the wearing of school uniform is expected and actively encouraged. It also helps to create an identity with the school and when

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School Photo Day & Uniform

There has been a change to the school and nursery photo day. School and nursery photos will now be taken on Monday 23rd September. We called yesterday to confirm the date and ask that stage photos are also taken as I would like to display these in the corridor. The photographer then explained that due to another booking, our date has changed and will be as above. I have updated

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Mrs N’s Notes, 6.10.23

Week 3 menus coming up! OUTDOOR LEARNING As you know, Outdoor Learning is one area we wish to prioritise in our school improvements this year.  Listening to the views of pupils, parents and staff, we aim to make more use of the local environment as we take more learning outside. As a result, we are sending permission slips home today that will cover local walks all year.  We will always

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Mrs N’s Notes, 28.6.23

RETIREMENT NEWS It is with mixed emotions that we marked the retirement of Mrs Paterson, our Catering Manager, this week.  Mrs Paterson has fed more hungry kids and adults here than we could possibly count!  Due to ill health she hasn’t been seen in Kirkshaws for some time, but we were delighted that she was well enough to visit us for a short time yesterday for a celebration tea. As

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Mrs N’s Notes, 3.3.23

Just a few photos to give you an idea of our World Book Day fun! Week 3 menus coming up! NURSERY UPDATE We were delighted to welcome so many families to our BIG REVEAL this week.  We are thrilled at the updated learning environment.  Personally I must give a huge thanks to all the nursery staff, support staff and Mrs McGarry, who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes over

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