P7 Football Team – Kirkshaws v St Bartholomews (Wed 18/11/15)

It was a wet and windy day.  Kirkshaws Primary were playing ST Bartholomews.  When the game started Kirkshaws got 2 early goals to put us in the lead.  St Bartholomews got a goal back to make it 2-1 at half-time. When the second have started the flood lights came on and the ball got slippery then the captain Ross Mclellan scored a beautiful goal from 30 yards out!  It hit

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Coffee Morning

Our Parent Fundraising Group ran a really successful Coffee Morning today in the dinner hall.  At the event some of our pupils, from the Nursery all the way up to the P7s, performed some of their songs from class topics. Many thanks to all of the Fundraising Group and helpers who constantly give up their own time to help our school.  Your hard work is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to

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Halloween Parade

Today we had our Halloween Parade in the afternoon where all of the boys and girls came into school dressed up in all sorts of costumes. Each class moved around the hall in a circle to parade their costumes and the teachers had the unenvious task of choosing their favourite costumes. Have a look at the amazing costumes below!

Coatbridge Cross Country Competition (trials)

Yesterday we had the trials for the upcoming Coatbridge Cluster Cross Country Competition. Mr Gall and the P7s helped to set up a course around the school and asked anyone from P5-7 to come along in the afternoon to tkae part in the school heats.  The first 5 in each race will then be entered into the Coatbridger Cluster Competition. After all of the races – and lots of sweat

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Football Friendly League: Wed 21st Oct v St Mary’s

Today our Primary 7 football team took part in their first fixture of the Coatbridge Football Friendly League.  Our team of 10 players went along to St Andrew’s High School to play against St Mary’s Primary School. Mr Gall sent minute by minute updates back to Mr Sharp, who was sitting nervously back in school. We went down 2-0 after only a couple of minutes but, thanks to a quick

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P7 (Room 14) Energy Presentations

Room 14 have been working hard to prepare presentations on different types of renewable energy. All 5 groups worked hard and did a great job presenting the information back to the class. Have a look at the pictures and files of the presentations below…