Halloween Parade

Today we had our Halloween Parade in the afternoon where all of the boys and girls came into school dressed up in all sorts of costumes. Each class moved around the hall in a circle to parade their costumes and the teachers had the unenvious task of choosing their favourite costumes. Have a look at the amazing costumes below!

Coatbridge Cross Country Competition (trials)

Yesterday we had the trials for the upcoming Coatbridge Cluster Cross Country Competition. Mr Gall and the P7s helped to set up a course around the school and asked anyone from P5-7 to come along in the afternoon to tkae part in the school heats.  The first 5 in each race will then be entered into the Coatbridger Cluster Competition. After all of the races – and lots of sweat

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Room 16’s (P4/5) computer designs

Room 16 have been using Scratch animation during their Technology lessons to create their own short computer animated software.  Have a look at some of their creations by using the link below. https://scratch.mit.edu/mystuff/ Use the login details Username: kirkshaws Password: kirkshaws1

Football Festival

Today some of our Primary 5, 6, and 7 pupils went along to St Ambrose High School to take part in a local football festival. Our P5 boys played 6 games and won 5 with only 1 defeat. Our P6 boys played 5 games winning 2 and narrowly losing 3 games. Our P6-7 girls played 6 games winning 4, drawing 1 and only losing 1 game (a narrow 1-0 defeat).

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