House Assembly (Room 3) Friday 6th November

Today’s assembly was the turn of Room 3 to perform at the House Assembly and show off their hard work and learning from the classroom. The school was treated to some music, dancing and information about Shapes with the pupils of Room 3 keeping us all entertained throughout – well done! Have a look at some videos below…   Next it was time to find out who had won the

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Halloween Parade

Today we had our Halloween Parade in the afternoon where all of the boys and girls came into school dressed up in all sorts of costumes. Each class moved around the hall in a circle to parade their costumes and the teachers had the unenvious task of choosing their favourite costumes. Have a look at the amazing costumes below!

Room 3 phonics

Room 3 were working really hard this afternoon on their new phoneme “ea” and their common words for the week.  They all worked in pairs to test each other on the words and sounds and then they worked together to play a bingo game to find their common words.  Well done Room 3!