Room 16’s (P4/5) computer designs

Room 16 have been using Scratch animation during their Technology lessons to create their own short computer animated software.  Have a look at some of their creations by using the link below. Use the login details Username: kirkshaws Password: kirkshaws1

P7 (Room 14) Energy Presentations

Room 14 have been working hard to prepare presentations on different types of renewable energy. All 5 groups worked hard and did a great job presenting the information back to the class. Have a look at the pictures and files of the presentations below…    

Football Festival

Today some of our Primary 5, 6, and 7 pupils went along to St Ambrose High School to take part in a local football festival. Our P5 boys played 6 games and won 5 with only 1 defeat. Our P6 boys played 5 games winning 2 and narrowly losing 3 games. Our P6-7 girls played 6 games winning 4, drawing 1 and only losing 1 game (a narrow 1-0 defeat).

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House Assembly (Room 5) Friday 2nd October

On Friday we had our second House Assembly of the year.  At the assembly we were lucky enough to have 2 visiting Judo champions who spoke to us about the skills and attributes they had and worked on to become champions in their sport.  The skills included perseverance, dedication and discipline. After the visitors left Room 5 took us all on a journey back in time to the time of

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P7 Solar System chalk designs

Rooms 10 and 14 have been working hard on their topic of Space this term.  As part of the topic they were asked to use chalk and design what our Solar System looks like on the playground.  Have a look below at how they got on…

Room 3 phonics

Room 3 were working really hard this afternoon on their new phoneme “ea” and their common words for the week.  They all worked in pairs to test each other on the words and sounds and then they worked together to play a bingo game to find their common words.  Well done Room 3!

Kirkshaws gets planting!

We have all been working hard to make changes to our school grounds and work towards our next Eco Flag.  With the help of Mrs McBain and Toni (Parent Action for Safe Play)  our school Eco Committee worked hard to plant some vegetables at the front of the school which we will be able to watch grow before harvesting and using in some healthy recipes later on in the year.

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House Assembly Sept 2015: (Primary 7: Room 14)

Have a look at a short slideshow of our P7s from Room 14 presenting their knowledge of Space to the rest of the school.  We also gave out the first batch of Certificates to 2 pupils from each class.  Finally all of the house points were added since August with the results below: 1st – Waverly (4 points) 2nd – Summerlee (3 points) 3rd – Rosehall (2 points) 4th –

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