All posts by Mr Sharp

House Assembly (Room 1) 22nd January

Today’s assembly was the turn of the Room 1 to perform at the House Assembly and they exchanted us all with their knowledge of the school, the staff and what they think we come to school for.  They all had their own line to learn and were absolutely wonderful in performing to such a large audience for the first time.   Well done!

Have a look at some pictures below…

Next it was time to find out who had won the House Points this time round.  To start off we found out who had the most class points:

Dundyvan:  77   Rosehall:  81   Summerlee:  153   Waverly:  131

Mr Sharp and Mrs Mitchell then handed out all of the Fantastic Awards to the pupils who have worked really hard in the past 2 weeks. Each certificate earned 20 House Points! Dundyvan (40), Rosehall (140), Summerlee (180) and Waverly (160).

Then he told everyone which house had won the bonus 100 points for good behaviour (Dundyvan).

Finally Mr Sharp announced the totals for all 4 Houses. The total points were as follows:

1st place:   Summerlee 333 points

2nd place:   Waverly 291 points

3rd place:  Rosehall 221 points

4th place:   Dundyvan 207 points

Well done Summerlee House and the running score now sits as follows:

Dundyvan – 15 points

Rosehall – 19 points

Summerlee – 18 points

Waverly – 19 points

House Assembly (Pupil Council) 21st December

Today’s assembly was the turn of the Pupil Council to perform at the House Assembly and they led us through the story of the Nativity with the help of Mr Clark on the piano.

Mr Sharp and Mrs Mitchell then gave out all of the certificates and badges to the P6 and P7 pupils who took part in the Bikeability 1 Training.

Have a look at some pictures below…

Next it was time to find out who had won the House Points this time round. To start off we found out who had the most class points:

Dundyvan:  123   Rosehall:  65   Summerlee:  143   Waverly:  102

Mr Clark then handed out all of the Fantastic Awards to the pupils who have worked really hard in the past 2 weeks. Each certificate earned 20 House Points! Dundyvan (180), Rosehall (80), Summerlee (100) and Waverly (40).

Then he told everyone which house had won the bonus 100 points for good behaviour (Rosehall).

Finally Mr Clark announced the totals for all 4 Houses. The total points were as follows:

1st place:  Dundyvan 303 points

2nd place:  Rosehall 245 points

3rd place:  Summerlee 243 points

4th place:  Waverly 142 points

Well done Dundyvan House and the running score now sits as follows:

Dundyvan – 14 points

Rosehall –  17 points

Summerlee –  14 points

Waverly –  16 points

P1-7 Christmas Show

Over the course of this week we have performed 3 shows for our parents / carers / families.  All 3 shows went really well with all of the pupils from P1 – 7 adding their own little bit of Christmas to Kirkshaws Primary.  Have a look at some pictures below and see some videos from the performances at our Twitter feed @kirkshawsPS


Nursery AM Christmas Show

Our AM Nursery pupils put on a wonderful show for all of their families this morning as they performed ‘Whoops a Daisy Angel’.  Along with the fun and laughter the pupils spread some Christmas spirit with some festive songs at the end of the show too.  Have a look at our Twitter feed @kirkshawsPS for more pictures / videos of the show.
