Mrs N’s Notes, 21.1.22

Week 3 menus coming up in both the school and nursery…


It has been our pleasure over the past few weeks to get to know two student teachers who are carrying out a placement with us this term.  Miss Parker and Miss Hamill are working in Rooms 5 and 9, alongside the class teachers.  Mrs King and Miss Watson are still working closely with the class on a daily basis and will remain your first point of contact, should you wish to discuss any school matters.

In addition, Miss Murphy has been working in our nursery class since before the Christmas break.  We are most grateful to all three ladies for their enthusiasm and commitment.


Please remember our school carpark is not big enough to be used as a drop-off zone.  We have had some staff members struggling to enter due to cars leaving first thing in the morning.  In addition, it is not a safe area for children to be walking unaccompanied.

Thank you for keeping the yellow zig lines clear in front of the school.  I know Old Monkland Road can become very busy, particularly at the end of the day,  but in order to keep your children safe I must continue to ask you to park legally, a short distance away from the gates.

We continue to train our pupils in appropriate road safety behaviours.  However, we do trust that all drivers will adhere to the 20mph limit outside the school and always be vigilant for children and families crossing.  Thank you for  your support in this.


I am sure you have been hearing Scottish poems and songs 24/7 for the past week!  Many thanks to all those who are helping their children learn their ‘party pieces’ for our Scottish Assembly, planned for 4th February.  No pupils will be forced to perform, but everyone will be invited to take part, even if that is just in front of their own class.


I know I have shared this before, but it is worth remembering that while 90% in a test sounds great – it is the minimum attendance rate expected across Scotland.   Anything below 90% is classed as a Cause for Concern.  As you can see from the graphic above, that’s because 90% attendance in June means your child has lost 19 days of learning across a whole school year.  We know that there are many occasions when your child cannot attend school due to ill-health, but we want to give them the best possible chance this year and would encourage them to return as soon as possible.

Before I say anything else, can I be VERY CLEAR, your child will always be welcomed into school, no matter how late they may be.  However, it is worth pointing out that persistent late-coming does build up very quickly.  It is worth keeping in mind that being just 10 minutes late each morning actually adds up to losing almost one hour of learning time in just one week…and the graph below shows how this can add up to the equivalent of several days lost across a  school year.


I hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to welcoming everyone back bright and early on Monday morning.

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