Mrs N’s Notes, 23.9.21

Mrs N’s Notes coming to you a day early this week BECAUSE WE HAVE A LONG WEEKEND AHEAD!

Remember, school and nursery will be closed on Friday 24.9.21 & Monday 27.7.21 for our September Weekend holiday.

Breakfast Club, nursery and school all open at the normal times on Tuesday 28th September.

Remember to check our menus for school dinners and nursery Loving Lunches above.


Last week all our P.7 pupils had the opportunity to spend 5 days at Strathclyde Park, taking part in a wide range of outdoor pursuits.  Huge thanks must go to Mrs Payne, Mr Gall & Mr Sharp who accompanied our pupils.  The adults reported back each day how proud they were of these young people, who demonstrated our school values daily.  The adults were delighted with the effort shown and sportsmanship demonstrated daily.  But what do our pupils think…?

Kian – It was certainly worth doing because it taught me skills I have not had the opportunity to learn before: orienteering, rowing and driving pedal boats.

Liam – it was fun; a different experience from everyday life in school.  It was really good because we had more freedom to do things we had never tried before.

Ethan – It was the best place I’ve ever been.  We got to do a climbing wall, archery and water games.  I would recommend it to anyone who gets the chance to go.

Elisha – I would recommend it to all schools and all ages.  I think all schools should get the chance to go – even younger children.  We had to demonstrate effort doing lots of different activities.  If younger children went they could learn how to ride a bike.  It was a great week.

Cameron – It was fun.  We got to go in boats on the water.  Bumper Boats was one of my favourite activities; they have engines and you can drive them to bump into each other.  It is like Dodgems, but on water, obviously.

Jayden – It was good exercise.  You had to run for orienteering (and you had to read maps too). The climbing wall meant you had to exercise your arms too.  Different exercise game and tug of war helped too.  I enjoyed it.

All in all, I think we can see that they made the most of the experience!


Please remember to park a short distance from the school gates and park legally, being mindful of our neighbours.  With Autumn fast-approaching I know we will have many wet & windy days ahead.  Everyone will not get a parking spot outside the school gates; I know that.  Please be prepared to park and walk.

Can I also ask that you leave plenty of space around our Crossing Patrol person?  Please do not park on the yellow lines or pavement at the gate used by P.4-7.  We continue to do all we can to keep your child safe.  I appreciate you working with us in this.


Last year we did not make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank and St James’ Way due to COVID restrictions and financial restraints on so many of our families.  I know many people are still affected by this and will NOT put any families under pressure.  However, if anyone wants to make a donation of dried or tinned goods, we will pass this on before the October holiday to these 2 worthy causes.  More information coming out next week.


Remember we stop for our October Week Holiday on Friday 8th October at our usual finishing times.




Please note, CLUB 365 will operate each day over the long weekend for any pupils who are eligible for a free school lunch.

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