Mrs N’s Notes, 23/10/20

Welcome back!  Here we are in Term 2 already; I hope you had a restful break.


Our new menu starts on Monday, starting with Week 2.

Remember, the cost of a school meal is increasing to £3 from Monday.


House Captains & Vice Captains

Before the holiday our P.7 pupils had the opportunity to put themselves forward for election to leadership roles within our school house system.  Those pupils who were interested made a speech and their classmates voted for each position.  I am delighted to announce our Captains and Vice Captains for this session:

Rosehall: Captain, Jessica Little; Vice Captain, Evie Grant

Dundyvan: Captain, Callum Adam; Vice Captain, Jack Beattie

Summerlee: Captain, Leah McLellan; Vice Captain, Leah McShannock

Waverly: Captain, Poppy Smith; Vice Captain, Jaime Wilson

We look forward to working together throughout the coming year.


Next week starts our Hallowe’en themed week in both the nursery and school.  All classes will take part in fun activities running throughout the week, culminating in a CRAZY HAIR DAY on Friday for any pupils who wish to take part.  The Crazy Hair theme is just for fun and no one needs to take part if they would rather not.

I know many people will be disappointed that we cannot enjoy our regular costume parade together, but I thank you for your continued support ensuring we do not bring any unnecessary items into school, therefore reducing the risk of transfer of infection.  Rest assured we WILL have a fun Hallowe’en despite the restrictions!

CLUB 365

Due to COVID-19 restrictions CLUB 365 cannot run as normal this year.  However, there is still financial support for pupils’ holiday lunches for those families in receipt of free school meals due to low family income.  Please see the NLC website by clicking here for more information.


Please check that all clothing, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc still have names attached.  I know some pupils are wearing new winter coats and it’s easy to forget to add a name if it wasn’t done at the start of term in August.


Our Parent Council AGM was postponed a few weeks ago due to unforeseen circumstances.  We expect it to go ahead on Monday evening at 7pm via video call.


Look out for a questionnaire heading your way via our school app early next week.  Please take time to complete it as it will help us ensure we are meeting the needs of your child throughout this time of educational recovery.


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  1. Will it be own clothes day on Friday x

    1. Many pupils will be wearing their sports gear for PE on Friday anyway, so if you want to wear casual clothes that will not be a problem.

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