House Assembly (Room 5) Friday 2nd October

On Friday we had our second House Assembly of the year.  At the assembly we were lucky enough to have 2 visiting Judo champions who spoke to us about the skills and attributes they had and worked on to become champions in their sport.  The skills included perseverance, dedication and discipline.

After the visitors left Room 5 took us all on a journey back in time to the time of the Vikings.  They told us all about what the Vikings did and their beliefs and even sang a song called Loki the Joker about the naughty god Loki who loved playing tricks on everyone.

Next it was time to find out who had won the House Points this time round.  To start off we found out who had the most class points:

Dundyvan: 92      Rosehall: 56       Summerlee: 129     Waverly: 86

Mr Clark then handed out all of the Fantastic Awards to the pupils who have worked really hard in the past 2 weeks.  Each certificate earned 20 House Points!  Dundyvan (5), Rosehall (5), Summerlee (6) and Waverly (6).

Then he told everyone which house had won the bonus 100 points for good behaviour (Rosehall).

Finally, as the boys and girls sat waiting on the final result – Mr Clark announced the totals for all 4 Houses.  The total points were as follows:

1st place: Rosehall (256 points)

2nd place: Summerlee (249 points)

3rd place: Waverly (206 points)

4th place: Dundyvan (192 points)

Well done Rosehall House and the running score now sits as follows:

Dundyvan – 2 points

Rosehall – 6 points

Summerlee – 6 points

Waverly – 6 points

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