Mrs N’s Notes, 7.6.24
The BIG NEWS this week is that our new Head Teacher has been appointed. Ms Megan McCrossan will take over as HT in Kirkshaws from August 2024. A letter from NLC was sent to all families, by email, earlier this week with this information. As you can imagine, this is a very emotional time for me as I part from pupils, families and colleagues I have grown to love, but I wholeheartedly wish Ms McCrossan the very best in her new role and I can only hope she will be as happy in Kirkshaws as I have been over these past 7 years.
Please remember that our Breakfast Club serves food from 8.15am until 8.45am. Any pupils arriving after this time cannot attend and they should make their way directly to the school playgrounds as they will not have time to be served and eat before school starts at 9am.
Your Parent Council held their AGM on Monday evening. I am delighted that we have volunteers to take this forward into the next academic year. Please remember that if you are a parent or carer in our school or nursery you are very welcome to join this group. See their latest newsletter below for more details.
Next week, we are inviting those new P.1 pupils who DO NOT attend Kirkshaws Nursery to come in for an extra story and play session. Invitations were given out when we met last week. Please come in through the main front entrance at 2.00pm on Tuesday afternoon.
We can’t wait to hear how our P.7 pupils got on at St Andrew’s High School this week. Next week is the chance of Coatbridge High pupils to have their 2-day visit on Tuesday & Wednesday. Don’t forget, there is also a parents information evening on Wednesday att he high school. Due to space, this is limited to a maximum of 2 family members.
We look forward to welcoming our new Nursery pupils for a visit next week too. We can’t wait to meet you all on Wednesday afternoon, between 3pm and 4pm.
I continue to monitor attendance across the school on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. At this time our whole school attendance for the year is sitting at 90.12%. Although this is an improvement on last year, it is worth noting that one third of all pupils are still falling short of the 90% expectation set as the satisfactory level across the country. I have sent letters home to all these families this week and thank you all for supporting me in this. We really want all our pupils in school to ensure they are safe, included and achieving their full potential.
If you have already booked a family holiday for June, please send this information in, in writing, before you go. We have spent considerable time this week trying to track down missing families. Thank you.
I know it is June, but every day really does count.