Mrs N’s Notes, 8th June

We started the week off in Kilbowie, then P.7 brought the good weather back home with them.

This week saw several members of staff on training courses or visiting other schools and nurseries to compare good practice and make sure Kirkshaws is keeping at the cutting-edge of new developments.  Our pupils are always looking to improve and raise standards and so are our staff.

We also had VIP visitors coming to see us.  Our second induction event on Thursday saw many of our new intake, along with their parents, getting to know the school more and enjoying lunch together too.  It was great to see such eager learners, confidently playing alongside our current Primary 1 pupils who are going to be fabulous buddies next session.

We had a ridiculously busy assembly today too!  As well as practising for our Summer Assemblies, we also had Room 3 telling us how to save our seas, Room 10 giving us lots of information about next week’s Enterprise Event and a whole host of certificates celebrating our learning.

However, the highlight of the week must surely have been the judging of the Plant Competition.  I thought mine looked great…until I saw all the fabulous flowers on the others!


Most Improved – Room9

Runners Up – Mrs Peat & Mrs Dunn

Winners – Room 10

And finally… The Most Surprising (that they are still alive) Award – Mr Bradley [brown, crispy, but still living!]

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