
P1/2 September Reflections Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne


P1/2 have continued their hard work in literacy as they learn about their alphabet, phonic sounds and common words  to help develop their spelling, reading and writing.   The particularly like to learn outdoors and through active participation, songs and games  etc.


Also P1/2 had their first walk and visit to Bellshill Cultural Centre Library this month. The children learned about joining the library getting their very own library ticket  which they would use if they wanted to borrow a book.  The librarian read them lots of stories, played games then the children got to look at all the great books they might choose when they joined the library.

The  children also found a useful tool for measuring at the library before the went back to school.


Here are some of our Star Writers for this month .  Well done Everyone.


The children have really enjoyed actively engaging with their learning in numeracy and learning about 2 D and 3D shapes.

HEALTH AND WELLBEING – SAFETY                                                                   AND INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING

In all areas of Health and Wellbeing  the children have been learning about Safety.  For example, at home/in school/playing in the playground/walking up and down the stairs etc, as well as Internet safety and P.E.

In P.E and Relaxation,  for example  the children are learning about moving safely.  Following instructions.  Finding a safe space with plenty of room around them so they are not bumping into anyone.  This  will help the children to work well on their own, or as part of a team.  Helping them not only to think of themselves but of others so that they can come together as a successful team.


We are learning a about people who help us and have been thinking about all the people who help us to stay safe and what there jobs are.  We have also had the RSPCC in to our school for a visit and they were able to tell us how to stay safe too.





P1/2 April Reflection Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne



When the children returned to school in Holy Week refreshed after their holiday, they continued their learning about Jesus journey and wrote about it, in an animated picture story of  The Way of the  Cross.

The children also learned about form filling as they learned how to read and fill out their new and different Snack 2 Go forms.

NUMERACY –  S.E.A.L (Stages of Arithmetical Learning) Approach  and Active Learning Stations

P1/2 engaging and having fun with their learning using a variety of resources.






P1/2 Learning About Dance…

… and Enjoying Relax Kids as they learn about the benefits of relaxation techniques and how these can inspire tranquillity and calm.

R.E.   This Is Our Faith (TIOF)

P1/2,  Our Lady and Practising and Preparing for their First Friday Mass in May.

P 1/2 have been working very hard  at home, (practising their readings etc) at school and in Church as they prepare to participate in their Class, School and Parish First Friday Mass  where they will honour Our Lady in her special month of May.

Here is a little picture story of their preparation so far…

Well done P1/2 keep working hard in term 3.  Mrs Stevenson and I are so proud of all your hard work.

P4/5 March Reflective Friday

On the 8th of March, we released the brown trout alevins into the Calder. We each had a container of 3 or 4 fish. One of our favourite parts was pouring them into the water. It was really good to get fresh air and a chat with our friends on the way to release the fish. It was great seeing them in the river for the first time. Some of us felt it was a bit sad because we had been looking after them for 6 weeks but it was great to see them searching for – and finding – food for themselves! Some of us felt a bit nervous for them because we noticed a lot of rubbish like glass, plastic, branches, crisp packets, bottle tops, broken bikes and so on in the water.



We have been learning about plastic pollution after releasing them because we saw all that rubbish. We have watched videos about the harm that is done to fish and other creatures in the sea and we’ve been talking about how to stop using so much plastic. We have been writing persuasive letters to people to convince them to stop using single-use plastic.

Don’t use so much plastic.

Recycle plastic.

Reuse plastic.

Don’t litter.

Don’t waste plastic.

At this month’s Merit Assembly, Sophia and Logan showed everyone their presentation about the Brown Trout.


This month, we have also been learning about the church and what being an altar server means. We have prepared questions to ask existing altar servers. Oscar has even just become an altar server! Well done, Oscar!


Science Week was this month.

We did lots of experiments including:

Skittles in hot water: the Skittles melted and the water turned different colours.

Bouncy egg: we put one egg in vinegar and waited 24 hours and when we took it out, there was no shell but it was bouncy!

Bending water: we got a static charge on a ruler and put it beside running water from the tap.

Blow-up balloon: We put a balloon over a jar of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and it blew up the balloon!

We even tried some experiments that didn’t quite go to plan! It was great fun. Some of us tried them at home.


Some of us made non-fiction books about our interests such as guinea pigs, horses and Fifa.


It was also World Book Day.

We came to school in costumes or in our pyjamas and we read books and went round the classes. In our class, we read Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo about World War II and children being evacuated.


P2 March/April Reflection with Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Byrne and Mr Stewart

Primary 2 had lots of  Fun During Science  Week   –                                         Here are some more of there captured moments.

Science Literacy and Maths                                                                                            Making and Melting Frozen Fossils

P2 learned about Making and Defrosting/Melting their Frozen Fossils in school with Mrs Stevenson.  as they approach Science Week.                                                                                                                                  Also we would all like to thank  our busy parents carers and friends who helped the children to prepare part of their experiment at home, enabling them to  bring them into school to use to test out a variety of defrosting/ melting techniques.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Later in the week as part of their ‘Genre Writing’, the children were able to write a ‘Set of Instructions’ (including Resources) on, How to Make Frozen Fossils. This enabled them to demonstrate their understanding and show how successful they had been in their learning, not only in this aspect of Science, but also in showing their understanding of how to write a Set of Instructions.  Great Work P2





Winnie the pooh waterproof experiment   Link


Winnie the Pooh Waterproof Experiment

The Children had some great learning experiences during  Science Week and had lots of fun when parents, family  and friends joined their class to  participate and support them,  in their Water Resistant experiment.   If you’d like to have a go just click on the Green link above.

Exciting Owl Visit                                                                                                                We also had a terrific visit from the Owls and we all got to hold them! It was really exciting


R.E This is our Faith                                                                                                            As we approached the end of Lent and looked forward to Easter Sunday, the children learned about Our Lords Journey, sharing what we have and  contributing to charities and alms giving through fund raising.   The last of these being the  Disco / Dress As A Celebrity Day  and the  H Factor, which the children enjoyed very much.



Celebration!                                                                                                                      We had a very special end to term 2, When a Commemorative mass was celebrated for 150 years of Holy Family Parish Church and School, with Father Grant and Invited guests and past priests of the Parish.                                                                                                                                          As we  learn about Mass, we prepare (through reading, talking and listening,) to participate in our class First Friday Mass, for the month of May, which is a special month dedicated to  Our Lady.




P2 with P1 and P3 had a very enjoyable learning experience when the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A) visited the school.


Afterwards as part of their writing lesson the children wrote a recount of what they had learned.

P.E.   Gymnastics (Pics to Follow)

P2 enjoyed learning about gymnastics and getting to know and learn about how to use the apparatus safely and carefully.  They enjoyed learning about how their bodies work and develop, as they learn and grow in confidence to enhance and develop their abilities in this area.

Athletics, Mr Stewart, Indoor and Outdoor Learning                                     P2 are enjoying learning about Athletics with Mr Stewart.  They are learning about the different ways the are able to develop, control, and co-ordinate their movements to enhance and refine there motor skills in a fun and exciting way.


Music with a Difference!


Today Monday 30 April, we had a fantastic opportunity to participate in Samba drumming and percussion sessions.  We had great fun and learned a lot about rhythm, different beats and sounds.  Thank you Samba Drumming.

Some of our March/April Star Writers