

TRANSITION – Please note that the below format may need to be adapted as a result of Covid guidelines. 

Transition within Holy Family Primary School takes place at two key points, from nursery to primary one and from primary seven to S1 at Cardinal Newman High School.


We have strong relationships with our nursery providers who we work in partnership with throughout the school year. We send each nursery our school newsletters which they display to ensure all our prospective parents are kept fully informed about the ongoing events and life of the school.

Once the enrolment process is complete all of our pre entrants are invited individually by letter to come to the school on three separate occasions to meet their buddy and participate in a range of activities with their new teacher within the classroom environment.

On one of these transition visits the head teacher will make a presentation to parents / carers about the school and their partnership role within their child’s school years at Holy Family Primary School. School uniform providers are also present to display uniform options and the parent council also speak about their role on this occasion.

Our pre entrants are invited to open our sports day in June with their pre entrants race where they will receive a medal and certificate for their participation in their first official school event.

In addition our pre entrants and their parents / carers are all invited to have lunch in the school at the end of June where they have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the dinner hall routine within a relaxed social setting.



Pupils normally transfer between the ages of 11 and 12, so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education.

Pupils from Holy Family Primary normally transfer to:

Cardinal Newman High School

Main Street



01698 274944


Holy Family Primary has very good relations with Cardinal Newman High School and its staff and pupils.  Links are strong in curricular continuity and transition procedures and these are reviewed annually to ensure the highest quality of service and smooth transition for pupils and parents.

Many events take place throughout the course of a session, involving P.7 pupils.  This gives young people the opportunity to visit the high school, meet with the staff, meet pupils from other schools and take part in challenging activities making learning more meaningful such as our annual Maths Challenge. We enjoy regular input from CNHS senior sport leaders in our health and wellbeing curriculum with a focus on the areas of athletics, netball and rugby. This culminates in a Commonwealth Games cluster event which involves all pupils. These events are reviewed regularly by staff from all schools, to ensure they are meeting the needs of all learners.

In May our P7 pupils attend CNHS for two consecutive days and follow an S1 timetable.

There are a series of meetings / open evenings throughout the year for both parents / carers and pupils to attend within both CNHS and Holy Family Primary School.

In addition there is also CNHS representation at our two parents evening sessions.







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