Primary 5/6 April / May 2019 Post

As we were off for a lot of April due to our Easter holidays we have made a joint post to share our experiences during the months of April and May as part of our Reflective Friday.

H Factor was enormous fun and gave us a great opportunity to showcase our talents and develop our confidence in performing in front of an audience. There was lots of audience participation as you can see during this performance of Tsunami !


We had great fun making sandwiches using the cress we had grown in class as part of our work about food miles. It also linked well to our health week activities and our Global Picnic ( although it was indoors because of the heavy rain !!!!)


In literacy we have been studying Saving Finnegan and learning about writing for a younger audience. We wrote our stories for P1/2a and then went downstairs to pay them an author visit and read our work aloud to them.

In numeracy we have completed our work on fractions. We have  been learning a lot about money through using coins effectively as well as calculating cost and change.

In Spanish we have been learning outdoors and testing our knowledge through a variety of active games. In this photo we are playing the line up game based on our knowledge of the weather.

One person calls the weather type in Spanish  and the two contestants race to touch it first.

Preparations for the Jungle Book  are going well and many members of our class have been practising with microphones and music. They are really working hard and learning when they come on and off stage as well as memorising all their lines. All of them are staying behind after school a lot. We hope it will be a great success when it takes place in St Gerard’s Primary on the 18th and 19th June. Tickets are now on sale at £4 each.

During health week we had a bouncy inflatable assault course which was great fun but really hard to climb. It was a really busy week with golf, healthy cooking and other different activities. We ended the week with Sports Day which was a bit different as we had to hold it indoors as the weather was terrible. It was still great fun though and we have the P7 sports championship race still to run on the first dry day.

Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company have been coming in to work with us as part of Developing The Young Workforce. They are explaining how many jobs are involved in the creation of a product and the challenges of getting your product just right. It has been great fun so far as you can see.

P1/2 May Reflections Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne

R.E –  P1/2 , Our Lady and First Friday Mass

P1/2 worked very hard to prepare for their First Friday Mass.  This being the Month of May, was a very special month to honour Our Lady.  The children read beautifully and all contributed to the mass very respectfully.  You should be so very pleased and proud of what you have achieved,  boys and girls especial our P1 children who have taken part in their ‘First Friday Mass’ for the very  first time.  So proud of you all, well done P1/2.

and Outdoor Learning
As the weather picked, up the children looked forward to getting  outside to learn about numeracy . They used  a variety of resources to help them in their learning.   They really enjoyed being outdoors and had fun learning about number in a different way.  Great work P1/2.


Grammar in the Garden

P1/2 are having fun with their Literacy too,  particularly when they headed  outdoors to their classroom in the sunshine.  Working together in groups, pairs and individually, the children worked hard on their reading, writing, talking and listening skills and found that this kind of learning  helped them to relax,  focus and enjoy their learning even more.





As the children look forward to summer, they’re learning reflects this and one of P1/2’s Summer topics will be ‘At the Seaside’.  The children have made their very own Passport, included important information and as the temperature gets warmer, P1/2 have made  Eco and/Sun Safety Posters to display around the school, to remind us of ways to save our planet and also of the precautions we should take to stay Safe in the Sun.


Literacy/Health and Wellbeing /People Place and Environment/            Expressive Arts

After hearing and discussing the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ which is a story of friendship, happiness, morals, values and sharing, the children  made their own ‘Rainbow Fish’ and as Health Week approached,  their  discussion and active participation continued as they learned about ’emotions’ and the importance of keeping their ‘mind’ as well as their ‘body’ healthy.
Healthy Whole School Picnic
Our class had fun on Thursday as we made our ‘healthy’ corn wraps with ‘healthy’ fillings, for our Whole School ‘Healthy’ Picnic in the afternoon. We couldn’t go outside because of the rain but still had a great time with our blankets, teddies and friends, when we had our picnic in the hall instead.  Above are some of our pictures.
…P1/2  also decided that they would like a  quick, final practise of their races before the School Sports Day on Friday.
Our P1/2 School Sports Day Pictures (More to come)
 P1/2, you all had such a great time at our School  Sports Day.   In particular we had a  wonderful display of good sportsmanship.  What a fantastic way to  end Eco/Health Week.
We also did our very best to use this week to think about natural ways that we can be kinder to our environment and our planet  as we go about our daily lives.


Finally thank you to P 6/7 for  supporting P1/2 and showing  them how to help clean up the park in preparation for our school sports day but  also to help make it a nice and clean place for our community to use.
Fantastic Job everyone (P1- 7).  Well done.

P1/2 April Reflection Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne



When the children returned to school in Holy Week refreshed after their holiday, they continued their learning about Jesus journey and wrote about it, in an animated picture story of  The Way of the  Cross.

The children also learned about form filling as they learned how to read and fill out their new and different Snack 2 Go forms.

NUMERACY –  S.E.A.L (Stages of Arithmetical Learning) Approach  and Active Learning Stations

P1/2 engaging and having fun with their learning using a variety of resources.






P1/2 Learning About Dance…

… and Enjoying Relax Kids as they learn about the benefits of relaxation techniques and how these can inspire tranquillity and calm.

R.E.   This Is Our Faith (TIOF)

P1/2,  Our Lady and Practising and Preparing for their First Friday Mass in May.

P 1/2 have been working very hard  at home, (practising their readings etc) at school and in Church as they prepare to participate in their Class, School and Parish First Friday Mass  where they will honour Our Lady in her special month of May.

Here is a little picture story of their preparation so far…

Well done P1/2 keep working hard in term 3.  Mrs Stevenson and I are so proud of all your hard work.

P4/5 March Reflective Friday

On the 8th of March, we released the brown trout alevins into the Calder. We each had a container of 3 or 4 fish. One of our favourite parts was pouring them into the water. It was really good to get fresh air and a chat with our friends on the way to release the fish. It was great seeing them in the river for the first time. Some of us felt it was a bit sad because we had been looking after them for 6 weeks but it was great to see them searching for – and finding – food for themselves! Some of us felt a bit nervous for them because we noticed a lot of rubbish like glass, plastic, branches, crisp packets, bottle tops, broken bikes and so on in the water.



We have been learning about plastic pollution after releasing them because we saw all that rubbish. We have watched videos about the harm that is done to fish and other creatures in the sea and we’ve been talking about how to stop using so much plastic. We have been writing persuasive letters to people to convince them to stop using single-use plastic.

Don’t use so much plastic.

Recycle plastic.

Reuse plastic.

Don’t litter.

Don’t waste plastic.

At this month’s Merit Assembly, Sophia and Logan showed everyone their presentation about the Brown Trout.


This month, we have also been learning about the church and what being an altar server means. We have prepared questions to ask existing altar servers. Oscar has even just become an altar server! Well done, Oscar!


Science Week was this month.

We did lots of experiments including:

Skittles in hot water: the Skittles melted and the water turned different colours.

Bouncy egg: we put one egg in vinegar and waited 24 hours and when we took it out, there was no shell but it was bouncy!

Bending water: we got a static charge on a ruler and put it beside running water from the tap.

Blow-up balloon: We put a balloon over a jar of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and it blew up the balloon!

We even tried some experiments that didn’t quite go to plan! It was great fun. Some of us tried them at home.


Some of us made non-fiction books about our interests such as guinea pigs, horses and Fifa.


It was also World Book Day.

We came to school in costumes or in our pyjamas and we read books and went round the classes. In our class, we read Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo about World War II and children being evacuated.


Reflective Friday March P6/7b

This has been a hectic month for P6/7b.

We have had fun whilst raising money on our Fridays in Lent so far. We have had our quiz, mad scientist/ crazy hair/odd shoe day, Pyjama and movie afternoon and today we have H-Factor, the school is buzzing!!

In maths, we have been furthering our learning in algebra and have been learning to identify, name and measure different types of angles.

In literacy, we have been continuing to use our reading strategies for comprehension and have written a persuasive letter to an engineer in the Leaders Award to promote our inventions. We have also made posters after taking part in a BBC live lesson called Blue Planet to try and warn people about the dangers of plastics in our seas. We are also now going to try to put commas in the right places.  🙂

We enjoyed science week doing a variety of experiments looking at physical and chemical changes.

The P7s took part in the Commonwealth games at Cardinal Newman with the Cluster Schools where we managed to gain the top number of points, a great effort by all.

We had a brilliant visit to Hampden Park with our friends from Mossend Primary which was a treat for us from Nil by Mouth, a huge thank you to everyone at the charity.

We had a chance to compare our work with P3/4 which was a very interesting experience for all of us, we were very impressed by P3/4’s jotter work!

We had a great day being engineers at the Forth Bridges where we built a structure which was 4.8 metres high, using individual tetrahedron shapes which we made individually then put together in groups. We were guided by a lady called Elaine Barrie who was a Civil Engineer and gave us some good advice on solving problems.

A big congratulations to Cathal and Katie for reaching the final of the Reading Quiz…good luck for the next stage.

Now we are off to enjoy our two weeks holiday…see you all in April!

P5/6 Reflective Friday Post March 2019

Welcome to our March Reflective Friday post. We have had an amazing month learning in all curricular areas. Maths has been really interesting as Mrs Cook has been using lots of fun ways to teach us about fractions using number jacks. We have enjoyed our problem solving tasks in our cooperative learning groups on a Friday morning. We have to work as a team to solve the challenge using logic and numeracy. We are learning a lot from the reporting back sessions too.

In literacy we have been studying the short novel “ Cheat “ by Judy Waite and Mrs Wilson has been teaching us about grammar when she is with us on Friday. This month we looked at homonyms and similes. Take a look at the photos we have posted here where we made up our own similes to describe our emotions in a way that was meaningful to us.

We have made our Lenten promises and checked in weekly to support one another in keeping strong.

We had our own fashion show based on recyclable objects which demonstrated our creativity, deepened our understanding of sustainability and showed we have amazing fashion sense !

We have planted seeds to find out which germinate quickly and which take longer despite being exposed to the same conditions. Our cress grew over the weekend so we are going to make sandwiches today to enjoy the fruits of our hard work, zero food miles for this snack !

Our vegetable seeds are coming on well and we will ask Mr Crielly to take care of them during the holidays so that we can plant them out in late April in the school planters and down at the allotment.

We hope to make soup with the vegetables we grow as they will also have zero food miles.

We have enjoyed learning about martial arts in PE too. What a busy month !!

Parents Night Questionnaires

These are the results from our questionnaire seeking your views on Holy Family Primary School.

Thank you for sharing your opinions which were overwhelmingly positive.


We have  kept open our questionnaire relating to our pupil equity fund spend which this coming year is an allocation of £31000 as we only received 7 responses to this. Please click on the link to complete this. Thank you



March Reflective Friday Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne/Miss Steven

R.E.  – LENT

Almsgiving  and Sciaf

The children have been learning about Lent as we journey towards Easter.  That it is a time for Prayers, Almsgiving, being kind to others and sharing what we have, especially with those less fortunate than ourselves.    Here are some  pictures of a few of the  events arranged by the children to raise funds for Sciaf:

Crazy Hair, Mad Scientist and odd Shoe Day/Pyjama and Movie Day

LITERACY  –  TOPIC and IDL                                                                                        Star Writers

The Children have been very busy and have  had lots to write about this month, e.g   Fairtrade,/Their visit to See Dippy the Diplodocus at Kelvingrove Art Gallery/Crazy Hair, Mad Scientist and Odd Shoe  Day.  The children also made a poster to remind everyone that there is Lenten Mass just before school starts at 8.30am on Mondays and Wednesdays.  They then chose a space and displayed  their posters around the school so everyone could see them.

Here are some of this months Star Writers.


The children enjoyed World Book Day very much  and were able to read stories of their own choice.  They also got to travel around the school, listening to a variety of stories from books read by different class teachers. Afterwards they then chose their favourite book/story and wrote a short book report and picture story about it.

Here are some pictures of P1/2 and the children who visited our class.


Times Tables/Time/Fractions (Hr, Half an Hour, Quart Past/ To )

The children have been working  hard and have really enjoyed some of the games and active learning  tasks they were set.

They have continue to enjoy their maths stations and have actively participated in building on new learning and what they already know.  They have particularly been working hard learning about sets of numbers called tables. When learning about ‘Time’,  they learned that when we talk about ‘half past’ and ‘quarter past’ the hour,  this is a ‘part of’ Time. ‘A Faction’  and that a Fraction is  ‘part of’ something.


P1/2 are still  receiving Football Coaching  sessions but have also had the chance to enjoy Dance and Drama coaching too. The  children had fun learning about  Gymnastics and showing each other what they know and what they have learned.

ICT – B.Bots Programming with Miss Gallagher

The children had a fantastic time as the were introduced to programming in a really fun way.  They learned that they have to give very precise instructions, in order for the B.Bot to do exactly what they wanted it to do. This lesson really engaged the children and they had a fantastic time learning how to make a successful programme.


Frozen Fossils

As part of science week the children learned about Frozen Fossils. As a homework task the children then went off home to make their very own, then brought them back in, to share with the class, before explaining what they had frozen. The children discussed with their shoulder partners and wrote down what they thought the frozen fossil might be, before it was revealed.  Some were quite tricky as colouring had been used to hide the fossils. Great idea!

Mini Beast Hunt

The children got their protective clothing on as they ventured out on a mini-beast hunt.  Great Work P1/2.  (pics. to come)


However on Friday during our Pyjama and Movie Day,  the children found their own mini-beast crawling in the sink.  We put it into a cup and took it outside to release it into our school garden.



As Fair-Trade Fortnight came to an end, the children finished off by making a big ‘Fair Trade’ T Shirt Poster, with all the used  Fair Trade labels and wrappers that the children had brought in.  This can be seen displayed in the main hall next to the  dinner hall (More pics to come)

Thank You Miss Steven

Finally P1/2  on their special visit to the play park with Miss Steven and saying a big thank you, as we wish her a fond farewell on her last day with P1/2.  We will miss her very much but have invited her back for a visit any time, so will look forward to seeing her again very soon.


Going Bananas for Fairtrade

We held an event in Fairtrade Fortnight to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The children had great fun decorating Fairtrade bananas, eating Fairtrade bananas and other healthy snacks at our chocolate fountain stall, baking using Fairtrade products such as Fairtrade sugar and also showing their support of Fairtrade by getting their faces painted with the Fairtrade logo.

Here are some photos from the event which raised more than £500 for Mary’s Meals!

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